Do you ever worry about a malfunction and potentially burning the cat or starting a fire?
Do you ever worry about a malfunction and potentially burning the cat or starting a fire?
Battery in/under the lid?
I used to have 2 sugar gliders. Very high maintenance pets. They are very social and will get depressed without enough attention. They are also group animals and when you get them you adapt them to your scent as the “home tree”. This means you being gone for let’s say a vacation or something will stress them out to the extreme.
Since they are basically wild animals they have a very strict diet you also need to maintain, on top of them being picky eaters, can’t really give them the same food more than 2 days in a row or they won’t eat it. They often take a bite or two of food before throwing it and going for a new piece.
All that being said they can be very fun and loving animals. They live a long time and are quite smart. Their little hands look like people’s thumbs and all and they LOVE untying knots and anything plastic that crinkles. Had them through college and had a tapestry on every wall so it was fun letting them run around the apartment free and climbing where ever. Always a good laugh when someone was over and didn’t know they were out. They would lead across the room to get back to me or the cage and seeing someone freak out as they saw something dive bombing them out of their peripheral never got old. My favorite thing about them was this demonic noise called crabbing that they make when they are scared or upset.
At least credit the original if you are going to do a bad rip off
Not sure where you got that people were threatened by your comment. If it has to do with your score, it’s because it’s a very narrow view, context had nothing to do with it. You shared your opinion I shared mine. Saying people feel threatened or that we didn’t understand the context because we didnt agree is exactly the point I’m making when it feels like you are a young person trying to pass for an older one.
With an opinion like that you sound like a teen trying to pass for someone old and wise. Love takes many forms and does not exclusively apply to romantic relationships, or people.
Not OP but the issue isn’t creating the space, but creating content in that space. Growing a community is a lot of work. Unless you already have some strong engagement and or a few people creating content it’s really just up to you to keep making post until the community gets more traction. Most people like the idea of starting the new community but not the work it requires as it often just feels like yelling into the void.
Pharma companies would already have a caffeine equivalent that would be only slightly different in structure so it would circumvent the law. It would then be sold at exorbitant prices and people would still pay even with the side effect of sometimes you eat someone’s face. Of course they would then sell you something else to stop the side effects. You would also have the caffeine purists who would start their own speak easies and organized crime. People “abiding by the law” would start calling the purist, plants, since that is where caffeine is coming from, while the synthetic caffeine users would be called zombies for the obvious face eating reasons. This whole thing would cause even greater divides between already split countries leading to all out war. WWIII plants vs zombies.
I haven’t played Starfield, but saying you put it down for D4 is all I need to know. Cant even imagine the repetition of that game if D4 was your break from repetition.