I don’t lift a damn thing and regularly swipe spoonfuls of peanut butter.
I don’t lift a damn thing and regularly swipe spoonfuls of peanut butter.
I’m probably gonna mess this quote up, but I thought it was brilliant:
“Privacy is essential to security, and shitty people feel entitled to take that away from you.”
You can’t be secure in your dealings or operate on equal footing (economically speaking, as others here have pointed out) without a measure of privacy.
In my experience, the “quickest” are more fuel efficient than the “fuel efficient” routes, which take me through residential areas (where every intersection is protected, meaning a stop sign in at least 1 direction) or stair-stepping on county roads where the speed-up/slow-down cycle negates the benefit of driving on slower roads.
AFAIK, the Samsung BEC-H series commercial monitors don’t have the “smart” features (at least enabled, probably still exist under the hood somewhere).
Have the balls to yank the tax exempt status of that church.
The big advantage of brrrp is simplicity. Pull trigger, things go asplodsy and/or turn into pink mist. Close air support, which the 'hog kicked ass at in the sandbox, needs to be reliable and simple. With the proliferation of GPS jamming technologies and other countermeasures, simple and cheap should carry the day.
I don’t know if anything is as physically survivable as the A-10. Certainly not some modern composite that will be grounded for fractures after taking small arms fire. Also, the boots on the ground love the support provided by the A-10, as do the congress critters whose bases are in their districts.
Just rambling thoughts from a village idiot, not looking to start a fight
“They hope it will replace the A-10”
Aaaahahahahaha "Lets give it no BBBRRRRRRRPPP, a low service ceiling, use the engines as shielding / flak generators for the pilots, and hope to sell it as an A-10!
Hardee’s fried-and-coated-in-cinnamon-and-sugar apple pies.
80’s-90’s McDonald’s apple danish
I get what you’re saying, but in the case of the games in question, it’s a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation, don’t you agree? Get them while they’re young and impressionable?
I think you conveyed it excellently - not solely because it was the exact thought I had. I would have used more clumsy wording though.
Just tried the “2nd button from the top” on both right and left at Wesco (Michigan) - didn’t work.
Don’t forget the taking the whole mysticism behind the Force and reducing it to: “wow, you got quite the bacterial load there, bud.”
The original trilogy. A decade of history and nostalgia. “lol, it’s space flu”.
Fuck you and everything you know and love, George. You’re dead to me.
The “special director’s anniversary editions” or whatever the hell they were called were the worst bullshit insult to those of us that grew up with the original trilogy. Fuck you, George Lucas.
Oh, so like a regular automatic transmission.
My 2012 caravan 6s-auto just ate itself last month. Minimum $4k. The van isn’t worth that.
Genuinely curious; aside from required maintenance, you don’t seem too overly jazzed about CVTs - may I ask why?
When society started paying for convenience?
Don’t forget the right-wing “we’re ignoring mask mandates in the height of the pandemic and not limiting seating because we’re god-fearin’ 'mercans here!” bullshit.
Why are columns 1 & 2 shifter between the two images? Makes comparison harder.