It’s going to be one of those youngster things like “unalive myself” because TikTok doesn’t allow word “kill”.
Freedom to Ukraine
It’s going to be one of those youngster things like “unalive myself” because TikTok doesn’t allow word “kill”.
Can the mod community chip in and hire Mick Gordon for a couple more tracks? Just a couple. Ya’ll got any of them Mick Gordon tracks left?
Do you guys not tuck it in your sock?
Yeah, quantity over quality right here. If my favourite game doesn’t run on Linux, Linux is dead to me. Even if I had 5 favourite games and 1 doesn’t work, it’s still dead.
So for a lot of people it’s either 100% or it might as well not exist.
Unless it’s actually detected with some sort of brain scanner, it’s all questions / answers.
For example, I don’t want to get an official diagnosis, because I don’t want it in my medical records, becaus it might impede things, such as getting a driving licence.
Many doctors where I’m from, tried trearing ADHD with antidepressants. Which is like the exact opposite of what’s needed.
Yes, I’m from a weird place.
Is cornstarch paint?
By that logic, could water be considered paint?
I disagree with the optinions stated in your reply.
You shouldn’t dismiss it just because you can’t get it to deliver what you need.
The garbage I see on the internet is enough for me to not use it. Let me hire a “prompt engineer”, I’m sure that’s more useful than a junior graphics designer. In your world, maybe.
You are fucking high on your own farts. Learn to generate garbage images if you’re so scared, I don’t give a shit.
I know how it works, since we’re always hiring and looking for new talent.
I really don’t care what a passer-by-AI-is-the-future rando thinks about me.
I’m talking from a perspective of reality. What you “predict” or “feel” or imagine the industry is or going to be, doesn’t really interest me much.
No, I ate shit the first few years after uni, making coffee and changing texts on visuals.
Are you truimg to imply that a crappy image generator that can barely make text and has trouble generating the appropriate amount of fingers has taken over THE ENTIRE visual design industry?
We probably live on different planets.
You’ve made it clear, but it seems you’re unaware of how the design industry works.
You cannot beat a Nurburgring lap record with a slow, cheap car. You CAN do laps, but “doing laps” is not what the high-end companies want & need.
You cannot replace quality, expensive work with cheap work and expect the same result. Otherwise, companies would hire 1st-year-dirt-cheap freelancers, or outsource to fivr. Companies that do that are mostly starting themselves or are so cheap, that they are of no value to the designer.
Stop the “AI” dooming that’s only beneficial to the prople who sell it.
None of the highly successful people I know within the industry is worried about the generative garbage, because it’s all that is.
Yeah, quality is expensive, welcome to Earth.
That’s not capitalism, that’s economics. It’s the way it should be.
I invest half of my life’s time studying and honing my skill. I will charge accordingly for it.
Most clients don’t understand art or graphics to begin with, I guess.
That means shit prompts and shit visuals.
They just wanted someone good at Illustrator.
Well, that’s where the “not very good at graphics design” comes in. If you’re only hired because “you know illustrator”, that says more about you than the client.
Precisely what designers do - they make the visuals Pleasing. Doesn’t mater if it’s for goat sacrifice service or granny’s muffin shop.
It is a skill that can barely be learned by a person. Often very good designers have ‘talent’ or ‘good eye’.
Even though art is subjective, you can still pretty much rank designers.
My dude, I’m literally replying to a person who said “rip graphics designers”. Of course I’m talking about my on field.
BTW, I have no problem with “fuck around and find out”. Fuck those companies layinf off people because of LLMs. I’ll watch them go down with a grin on my face and balls in my hand.
Nah, I’ve just been in the industry long enough to not be scared of competition. Quality is something that a lot of well-paying businesses very much appreciate.
A crappy visual generator is on-par with an intern, at best.
The people who are startled the most, probably have never actually done design large-scale.
Yeah, not a high-end business.
These days they’re aware that good marketing & design = $$$.
I could not care less what low-end suits decide, they’re not what brings designers money.
More “AI” garbage means that good designs will have an easier time crystalising.
High-end businesses that need high-quality design would never use output from an “AI”.
If they do, that means they don’t take design seriously, and are fine with “not a very good graphics designer”. So my point stands, IMO.
If current “AI” is taking one’s job as a graphics designer, it means that one isn’t a very good graphics designer.
It’s a bubble.