Girl: “And then my ears, I understand let’s get on with it.”
Cat: “WRONG. Your ears you keep and I’ll tell you why.”
Girl: “And then my ears, I understand let’s get on with it.”
Cat: “WRONG. Your ears you keep and I’ll tell you why.”
This is a sex thing, right? It’s always a sex thing
Spent my whole life in VA – can confirm this is us
This recommendation gets passed around a lot online, but usually doesn’t include the reason why it works so well. From a scientific standpoint, it’s because cats movement works off of 5G, which is reflected by heavy gauge tinfoil when the shiny side is facing out. It’s not surprising that sites mostly controlled by the government don’t want that information distributed.
STEP THREE: They are altering the deal.
STEP FOUR: Pray they don’t alter it any further.
Jesus, Megan – we get it – this happens to YOU too. How about letting Vicky finish her story
Exactly-- all those short-sighted villagers want to put policies in place that will make it not worth being a dragon anymore, or push them into being dragons for another country. Then they won’t have all the benefits that dragons bring to the table
Legends foretold the day that someone would make it through the Cat Store self-checkout area
Person: “Why should that make such a… difference?”
Bear: “Well, you see, you use different moves when you’re fighting half a dozen people than when you only have to be worried about… one.”