Meth? Crack? Fentanyl?
Meth? Crack? Fentanyl?
What were your oxygen levels?
What happened to your O
A tick bomb!
The base game was almost too easy except for hoarax loux
That’s what made eternal amazing. Eternal on nightmare difficulty is the most fun I’ve ever had in a single player game.
Are you me?
You still can’t make it narrow or move it to the sides of the screen either. It sucks at work at 1080p because the taskbar takes up half the screen it’s so massive.
I didn’t have my glasses on and couldn’t figure out what this meme was supposed to be
I’ve been boycotting all fast food chains and almost all big restaurant chains for…12 years now?
You should go into underwater welding.
Doom eternal was amazing.
I never even heard of this, but I wouldn’t buy it anyways because EA.
Digimon? Digital monsters? Digimon are the chunkins?
I initially read this as the opposite.
We’re locked in for 6-10C of warming over the pre industrial baseline. That will be catastrophic for most large land animals at least. Best we can hope for now is delaying the warming with geo engineering.
Does everyone forget we are doomed due to the climate?
Didn’t they get bought out recently?