That’s me fr fr.
Dryer is so based.
That’s me fr fr.
Dryer is so based.
I don’t speak German but I can guess.
I too don’t respect the wash symbols on my clothes
I actually like DST
If you are commie then you must love sending people to gulags, right ?
it’s that easy!
Salty takie calling others Nazi… Cope harder 😏
Ahhh, only tankie haters are libs ??
I must have forgoten the memo 🙄
What’s the definition of tankie ?
Very unpopular opinion:
Old ui sucks. You can’t see shit on phone nor on desktop. It’s just wall of text.
It’s not recent update but basically your ships gear slots - weapons, shields, landing gear, etc - and cargo slots were 1.
This way you could do interesting builds.
Ship which has all slots filled with ships equipment and your big ship is for cargo, etc.
Right now you have dedicated cargo slots and dedicated equipment slots. Ofc they are smaller than when they were combined…
I am still salty about equipment/cargo slots overhaul…
The warlord’s fat wallet.
It’s for my butt ?! I have used it as mouth rinser …
Maybe we should be putting people into cages and harvest and sell their organs… I mean why not ? It’s not like humans are different from animals ¯_ (ツ) _/¯
Ah yes, “communism”. Op show me 1 country with communism. Dictatorship with ‘communism’ in their name don’t count.
I haven’t encountered this yet. The moment I start regularly seeing porn I know I have scrolled far enough and just leave…
I actually had comfortable morning. I thank you for yet another fun experience of existential crisis.
So much happened before you opened your eyes for the first time, so much will happen after you close them for the last time.
Wow, what a sad to day to have read his Political views and criticism on Wikipedia