I think some distros disable using RSA by default. Might need to use it explicitly.
I think some distros disable using RSA by default. Might need to use it explicitly.
Original grep was pretty much a wrapper around sed (or actually maybe ed, I don’t remember). That’s why it’s called g/re/p, which is the sed command to do the same thing.
I don’t know if it’s that cut and dry. If you study a Operative Systems class or buy a book about them, it’ll exclusively deal with the kernel.
Are reading what you write? It’s linux so it isn’t?
No, because they don’t behave like lasers (like, they don’t move at the speed of light). They’re more like massive, short lived light sabers, which are plasma within a forcefield.
Not saying it makes sense (but shooting at moving targets that can change direction after you shoot, from a gun mounted on a platform with movement out of your control is not just math)
Apparently droids are not good enough to shoot guns. Most guns are fired by people, even the ones on star destroyers.
tz offset is really not enough. You’d need to save the time zone id and/or offset, to have you library calculate deviations such as daylight savings.
Even that, that would break if the user moves and now what they setup is using their previous timezone.
Basically, I’m saying that storing the offset works most of the time, but not all of the time.
It depends. If something needs to happen in local time (like, always at the same time regardless of daylights savings for example) you should be storing times in local timezone
HTML is not even a tree (XHTML is. XML is a type 2 grammar). SGML languages like HTML are more similar to Tree-adjoining grammars.
For example <b>This<i>is perfectly</i></b><i>valid</i> html
I mean Blade Runner did do it first, as well as Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep. (But Johny Mnemonic was at it before Blade Runner)
The sprawl trilogy does have a good enough and unique plot besides all of the groundbreaking cyberspace stuff
Under this definition, using mspaint is programming
If it’s a verb it should be a button, not a toggle
The acting was generally good from pretty much every one
I mean, sure, but was the Palpatine Anakin killed a clone (therefore reducing his impact)? Is the new palps a clone? Does he have palps consciousness or just a copy of his memories? If he’s a clone, who made him and raised him? He seems pretty old, is it because of accelerated clone aging or because he’s the original?
You know, interesting sci-fi/force things to explore in a sci-fi/force trilogy.
Ctrl+break doesn’t do anything on my machine. Ctrl+c stops a process.
Yeah, it’s been a while so it’s time to drop it. I don’t think you can even buy a new ps4 at a major retailer anymore even.
I actually don’t know how many programs do this, but several check that file permissions are correct or refuse to work. Sudo and ash are 2 of them. I could see /etc/shadow being readable and writable by everyone being a problem too, but I don’t know.
That doesn’t even mention the changes to webrequest. Here’s an intro: https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/migrating/blocking-web-requests/
Python is probably the language that popularized them, if not invented them. They’re saying the team doesn’t like using them.
My take is that other than C++, where it’s reasonable, forbidden language features are a smell for the team not having a healthy understanding of the language