So they only share when you click on an ad. I use an adblocker anyway, so effectively they’re not sharing anything. Or do I misunderstand?
So they only share when you click on an ad. I use an adblocker anyway, so effectively they’re not sharing anything. Or do I misunderstand?
Color me underwhelmed.
Nintendo is going to have to bring it in a big way to win me back after all the shit they’ve been pulling and it looks like they decided to do the exact opposite of that. At least it has a proper kickstand. I have no clue how they thought that flimsy plastic membrane from the first Switch was a good idea.
Yes, exactly in that way. The second grader might have a bit of an edge on Bethesda tbh.
I don’t use the feature, so I’m not aware if it’s supported.
Why tf are you using GOG Galaxy under Bottles when Lutris is better than Bottles in every single way and integrates directly with your GOG account, meaning you don’t need GOG Galaxy at all? This is like pulling the handbrake on your car and pushing it uphill instead of turning it on and driving it, in terms of how needlessly difficult you’re making things for yourself.
In the same vein, my friend frequently tells his fiancé to quit being a f*ggot when he doesn’t want to eat something unusual or complains about mild annoyances. Which always draws hilariously confused looks from nearby straights who don’t know them very well.
It’s actually a really good game, though of course it has some problems. The real issue is the fact that most people weren’t even aware that it existed.
Nipple Batman made balconies useless?
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Termux has been a thing for years.
Yes, I’m just explaining it, not justifying it. What I means is “don’t get worked up or upset about it because this is just human nature and while you may be able to change this particular manifestation of it, you will never fix the underlying problem”, not “don’t try to change people’s minds when they’re wrong”. You’re right to be teaching people some discernment. Just don’t suffer when they refuse to listen.
I’m not one of the people flinging insults at this guy. I just understand why others are doing it. They see that it was a monetization guy from Ubisoft and they flip out. Is it a rational and objective reaction? No, but people are neither rational nor objective most of the time.
Well, surely we can agree that it’s an unfortunate job title at least - it’s easy to see why the people are dogpiling on him. If it actually were the money guy saying this, I assume you’d have no objection to the public reaction?
Every public accusation is a confession.
Look, much as the heavily online audience likes to pretend otherwise, most people making these games are perfectly nice, care about what they do and even have some degree of attunement to their audiences.
Sure, most people involved in these projects do. But for any given team, if you told me you knew for a fact that exactly one person in that team wasn’t, and asked me who I thought that person was, I’d guess “the money guy” every single time.
No, crimes exist for whoever isn’t in power. There are several crimes that can only be committed by rich people, such as those related to banking and the stock market, formation of cartels* and monopolistic/anti-competitive practices, etc. But conveniently the criminals are only prosecuted when they are the political or commercial opponents of whoever happens to be in charge at the time.
*Not the drug kind, the “a small group of companies with a combined market majority conspires to fix prices while pretending to compete with each other” kind
I could be wrong but it seems like before, licenses for games you owned but hadn’t downloaded were already loaded o to your account when you logged in. So in your example, if user 2 bought a game and didn’t download it on that console, then user 1 bought and downloaded it and took the PS5 offline, user 2 could still play it because his license was already there. Now, user 2 has to go online to grab the license first.
Seems like it will have a minimal impact.
It puts the lotion in the basket.
Correct. When there isn’t enough bread to go around, it doesn’t really matter if everyone has money.