Okay, but what if some billionaire bought all the issues? Would that leave us with no issues because the billionaire paid to have them offloaded onto them, or low-quality issues because the billionaire now hogs all the premium paid issues?
Okay, but what if some billionaire bought all the issues? Would that leave us with no issues because the billionaire paid to have them offloaded onto them, or low-quality issues because the billionaire now hogs all the premium paid issues?
From what I’ve heard, from January 2024, any for-profit game made in Unity that meet a certain profit and download threshold will have to pay a fee to Unity per install of said game, including those released before these changes are being introduced.
Not necessarily; there are a few SNES games in the Switch Online library that weren’t localised and hence remain untranslated from Japanese, namely Super Puyo Puyo 2, Panel de Pon, Mario’s Super Picross, and Kirby’s Star Stacker. Though all of those games are puzzle games, which don’t necessarily need language to be enjoyed, whereas an RPG like Mother 3 would likely be much less enjoyable without understanding the dialogue, battle UI and so on.