I old enough that, as a kid, every time I wanted to play a game I had had to wait for it to install from cassette.
Besides, download speeds now are amazing.
I old enough that, as a kid, every time I wanted to play a game I had had to wait for it to install from cassette.
Besides, download speeds now are amazing.
Or, to quote Dr Manhattan, “Up is a relative concept with no intrinsic value.”
Keep it until next year. Use it in the new game.
I’ve just watched “Inside Out” for the first time and the credits scene with the cat absolutely nails it…
No, they have a lot of 50’s and 60s toys around for the kids. She was alsp fascinated by a lump of coal…
and asked how we watched TV without electricity…
Because it belonged to the museum. I wasn’t about to let her steal it.
We took my young daughter to the Black Country Musrum once and she found a “Hobby Horse” and we eventually had to take it from her. She thought it was the best toy ever…
Well, no. It’s an evolution of the original one.
Not a newly created copy.
He probably swung a chair around and mounted it backwards.
If a loved one took a transporter trip I’d love them just the same when they got back though.
No, you’d love a copy of them just the same…
Well, Sisko had a very different way of dealing with Q.
Well, I would assume “Not Very”.
But, you know, people are thick…
…very thick.
birds or polar bears
Phew! Luckily I just like penguins…
There was a plot?
Could also be described as “Too thick to know how fucked you are”.
Huh, amatures. We didn’t bother with the Klingon flag, we had the symbol put into our block paved drive.
Surely they also have a copy of his pattern in the transporter buffer.
Steel section bender.