I was in the Summer event and came third or so for Jarvonia overall. Like a dope I stopped using Discord right after that and haven’t seen anything from the game since. Looks awesome, can’t wait to get in.
I was in the Summer event and came third or so for Jarvonia overall. Like a dope I stopped using Discord right after that and haven’t seen anything from the game since. Looks awesome, can’t wait to get in.
I have enough games in my steam library that I could never buy another game, and be perfectly content
So, just Rimworld then.
Honestly though, same. I was really interested in Ghosts of Tsushima when it launched. Now years later it’s finally on PC but it costs more than I usually pay for new games. Fuck that. The only way I’m buying a PS5 is if a friend wants one and is willing to let me get it, play FF7 & 16 then sell it to them in a few months.
I was in a similar position. I’ve at least tried almost all of the games since Demon’s Souls on PS3 (plus a few other Soulslikes like Surge 2 & Last Remnant [edit: Last Remnant is something else entirely, i dunno. It was something like that]) and I could never get into them. Elden Ring especially is exactly the kind of world I love in games and I wanted so much to enioy it. It took a handful of 10-15-hour attempts over nearly two years before it finally clicked with me and I started really getting into it back in December. I got the platinum last week and then started Sekiro for the first time a few days ago, so let’s see how that goes.
My advice, if you can’t get into it give it a few months then take another honest crack at it. If you don’t enjoy yourself that’s fine, just try again next time you start thinking about the game, but if that switch finally flicks on you can clear your schedule for the next fortnight.
Stuff+ generally always has a Prison Architect and one other game series going, then does one-shot videos of random indie stuff in between. He’s also not loud and annoying the way youtube gamers tend to be and doesn’t have a webcam feed covering a quarter of the screen, it’s just about the games.
Same. Until these things are physically in my hand I’ve got plenty of other stuff to get on with, what’s the point of wasting years chasing them. It’s the same with any marketing really, give me a title, pitch & release date, I’ll see you then.
It depends on the type of game I guess. I like the way Final Fantasy 13 did it when you arrived on Gran Pulse. Everything was there from the start of the chapter, there were some enemies you could handle, some that were a challenge, some that were out of your weight class and some that would wipe your team without even noticing you were there. You had to pick your battles and know when to bail. Despite the problems that game had, you could at least feel yourself getting stronger while the world stayed roughly the same.
Plans to announce an upcoming game? How uh… exciting. Give us a buzz when it’s available.
I’m partway through it, playing as a character with good stealth and persuasion. The only other faction line I’ve done is the Ranger one, and this one is much more fun & interesting. My only complaint is that the missions are a little too quick & simple, especially considering I’m still trying to get the hang of travelling without fast-travelling but I always manage to make multiple jumps instantly by accident.
If it’s the thing I stumbled into yesterday then not only can you choose not to do it, if you’re part of a certain faction you can refuse in a way that lets everyone walk away happy without starting any fights. 3 completely different outcomes affected by faction relations sounds pretty good to me.
How do you feel and what do you think are pretty much opposite questions though, one’s asking for a reaction and one’s asking for analysis. So far in my experience the game has been pretty good about different dialogue options, I’ve reloaded a bunch of conversations to explore the directions they can take, it’s not like say Pokemon where you always have 2 choices and they always lead to the same line of dialogue that addresses both.
It’s not perfect, but that helped a lot. The audio’s still a bit dodgy, but the freezing has stopped and I can actually play now. Thank you very much.
I’ve got well above the recommended specs but the game runs too badly for me to play, sadly. Every voice file is delayed by a few seconds (which is an eternity in lip-sync time) and the game stutters & freezes constantly, in both interior & exterior cells. I haven’t played since the latest update to see if anything improved, but I’ve easily got over 1000 hours in everything from Oblivion to Fallout 4 and had every intention of sinking the same kind of time into Starfield.
I used to play a lot of Fallout 4 with gyro aiming on the Steam Controller, there was a lot of downtime between fights and gunplay didn’t require perfect precision, which was great for learning how the controller felt. I’d find that I’d sit back with my hands on my lap, tilting the controller very slightly up and down for vertical aim and unconsciously using my foot to rotate the chair for horizontal. Once I got used to how it worked (including setting the gyro to only activate while the left trigger was held and fine-tuning the sensitivity) it became natural. My body just kind of figured it all out in the most comfortable way.