I’m a weeb girl who’s fringe in a lot of ways. Please excuse my weird beliefs, I don’t bite :3

Political views: far left economics (socialism), conservative/traditional social views. I’m an ex-atheist, turned christian gnostic. I’m happy to chat. No hate, just pursuit of truth and proper living.

Hobbies/Interests: weebshit (anime/manga/japan), video games, romhacking, ai/tech, girly cute pink stuff, politics/religion is fun. I like the occult and conspiracy stuff too.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It’s the only non-chrome browser. And the only browser I can customize and that does what I want. I’ve been waiting for arc to release so I can try it out, but it seems like the development on it is taking literally forever.

    I have pretty strict criteria for a browser, and really only firefox meets them. Chrome is way too locked down for me. And firefox has slowly been getting worse unfortunately.

  • Youtube content creators get paid via a few different methods:

    1. Pre-roll and mid-roll ads. This is youtube’s actual and intended monetization method. These are ads that play that are separate from the video and are personalized per-user. They often have a “skip” button you can click after a few seconds. Youtube pays creators per view for these ads. You should check youtube’s monetization section on the channel settings to set this all up.

    2. Sponsors. These are baked into the video where the content creator usually goes something like “Yeah I enjoy my switch, but do you know what I like more? raid shadow legends!” These are one-time payments made prior to the video’s release, and are not paid per view. The view count on the video and whether or not people are actually watching the sponsored section is irrelevant.

    3. Patreon and other patreon-like services. These are entirely unrelated to viewcount or ads, and are just people paying monthly on some other site (typically patreon or locals) to help fund the channel.

    For music, I’m not sure at all how the youtube music platform works. But afaik youtube music is just youtube videos in a different format, so you’d be going with method #1 with the pre-roll ads.

    Typically youtube’s monetization model requires that you actually set things up, and in order to do so you need to meet particular criteria (particular subscriber counts, view counts, etc). I know musicians work with music labels, so that may work differently depending on what’s going on for you. But if you’re specifically managing a youtube channel where you upload videos, then #1 applies and just check the monetization section. I don’t think it’s “by default”.

  • The issue with procedural generation is the game has to be built for it from the ground up and in a modular way. AAAs try to make themselves appealing by using novel new high quality assets that aren’t modular.

    I haven’t played starfield so idk what they ended up doing, but from the sound of it they have pre-made assets/areas that they then place onto pre-generated worlds in a randomized way.

    To make one of these “areas” procedural in itself, they’d then have to code a whole system for that. With AAA/3D the hard part is making modular environments without it looking repetitive or ugly.

    My point isn’t so much that it can’t be done in a AAA game. But rather that it’s risky to do (not all players like it), and you have to structure your development around it. Lots can go wrong, there’s stuff you gotta sacrifice to make it work, etc.

    If starfield is on the old bethesda engine then that’s even more of a reason. You can’t just plug and play an entire procedural generation thing in there without some fairly large overhauls or just gluing on an unrelated system.

    In practice, bethesda probably took the lazy route: using their existing engine without major changes, then just making new assets for it, throwing stuff about a bit randomly, and calling it a day.

    That’s the thing about procedural generation is: it’s a lot of effort and sucks up a huge part of the game’s development and comes at some pretty strict costs (repetitive looking environments/gameplay, reduced novelty, larger programming dev time to make it work). It can be done, but for a cost-cutting AAA studio they’re not gonna bother.

  • No offense to companies but I’m honestly sick of companies forcing 2fa. Every single one seems to have a different shitty way of doing it. Like why on earth do I need two different authenticator apps on my phone (authy&google authenticator)? Some do sms/phone number, but then yell at you and prevent you from doing 2fa if you have a “bad phone number”. This happened on discord where I’m locked out of certain servers because I can’t do phone verification, and I can’t do it because discord doesn’t like my phone number. Twitter was the same way for a long while (couldn’t do 2fa/phone verification due to them not liking my number).

    From the article it sounds like they’re doing authenticator app or sms. I’m guessing sms won’t work for me, so app it is. I decided to dig to see which authenticator app they use and they list: 1password, authy, lastpass, and microsoft… no google?

    Honestly, even email requirements for accounts is annoying because you know it just ends up spamming you. is the future where we’re gonna have to have 30 different authenticator apps on our phone?