I dunno, I could spend a good long while playing nothing but Football Manager if I didn’t have to worry about being anywhere else.
I’m Dan. A 36 year old father of two who doesn’t have nearly as much time as he needs to do half the things he wishes he had the time to do.
I dunno, I could spend a good long while playing nothing but Football Manager if I didn’t have to worry about being anywhere else.
I mean, is this in real time because I won’t lie, I bet there’s an awful lot of ‘boring’ mixed in with all the amazing moments.
Don’t know about how it is in the US, but in the UK the idea of people rushing to finish their transaction fills me with dread. I’ve worked in a supermarket with self service and the general public really struggles with them.
It was the only of my three cars that hasn’t been totalled by a driver not paying attention when driving past it.
Yup. Two cars have been written off whilst parked down my street inside two years. Love it!
The last game that truly gave me the feeling you described is Lies of P. It was my favourite game of 2023 and the 60 or so hours I put into beating it were very well spent.
Definitely spending the day with my young children, going to a soft-play and then going out for a lunch filled with ‘no no no don’t throw that’ before we return home for a fun evening of 'daaaaaaady, daaaaaaaady’ entirely on my own in total silence apart from the sound of my TV with a videogame on, a fresh cup of tea in my mug and maybe a takeaway pizza on the way.
Might also explain why Cricket is so popular. Obviously it still requires a fair amount of physical exertion but it’s definitely a bit more laid back than something like Rugby.
Prefer digital because space is a factor in my house. I love the idea of physical, and I’ll usually go that way for art or reference books. However paperback equivalent I’m always going digital.
Although if I really love a book I’ll always look to add it to my bookshelf at some point.
Tearaway was designed from the ground up to be played on the Vita and I’d say it does a pretty fantastic job of using that hardware well. It’s also super cute.
Been loving this game for the last few weeks.
I think that’ll work. Still not entirely sure on how Lemmy handles links.
Another example, although less painful for the eyes.
Using Boost for Lemmy as the example here.
Since release Sync just hasn’t been able to handle tables. Every other app I use does it no problem, but sync really struggles with it.
Now don’t get me wrong, I may yet go back to it. What I’ve read though…isn’t exactly selling it. Celeste level platforming and a bucket load of boss fights that are significantly harder than what I faced in the main story…
Im a sucker for those hard games, I’ve beaten Cuphead twice, finished Sekiro and Elden Ring…but I’m not sure I want the same things from Hollow Knight you know?
I’ve literally only played five minutes (baby woke up) so I can’t really say too much yet. I’m absolutely awful at poker, so I’m not expecting all that much, but … maybe this is the game that changes that.
So I started (and finished…ish) Hollow Knight. I got the first ending and I was planning on going back for the true ending but now I’m a little out of it, I’m actually not sure I want to go back in and experience the game at its most difficult. I had a real good time, but the difficulty spike is supposed to be pretty huge and that’s not why I went to that game.
Also been playing Death Must Die which is a Hades-meets-Vampire-Survivor game. It’s in early access but it’s absolutely hitting the right spot. I’m probably going to jump off for now though, I don’t want to exhaust my time with the game before it’s out.
Finally, I’ve just picked up the poker game that everyone is currently playing (I can’t remember the name) called Baletro…maybe
And Deep Rock Galactic: Survivors because apparently I like these Auto-shooter things.
Anything that goes over my eyes is going to be a negative for me, and I’d assume many others. The second you take away my ability to see what’s going on in and around me it becomes a difficult sell. Same with VR.
The Deck/Switch/whatever allows me to play my games on the on the sofa whilst my kids watch TV/run around. It allows me to play whilst my family is around me, which is important because if I’m going to essentially lock myself away, I’m just not going to want to play. Which was VRs issue.
Not to mention if you want to play in a public space, on a bus or a train. I can’t imagine ever being comfortable with something that robs me of my ability to see what’s going on in that scenario.
I’m a bit confused by the map because in the UK our officers usually carry a baton, spray or in some cases a tazer. They’re absolutely not unarmed.
Most don’t carry a gun, but I’d also imagine the vast majority of the time they’re not dealing with criminals with guns.
How does that work if you’re already over the 2 hours of playtime?
Maybe I could use that time to watch The West Wing? I’ve heard nothing but good things about it but…who’s got the time.