You buy them to get the boxes they come in. Du uh
You buy them to get the boxes they come in. Du uh
Depends in how much skin you want to keep.
There are aides for giving medication to cats. Dont know the name but it exists.
Like others said : towel roll
I like putting her back against my belly so she can not get away to fast. Than put pill in mouth by opening it a bit. Than keep her mouth shut a bit. To make her swallow you can pet her on the troath.
Some cats who like food a lot dont mind milled pill-dust on their diner.
There is a paste to put the pill in and it tastes better. You can buy it at the vet. Maybe in a drugstore/petstore to.
We all fo…breeded with them to our kind
She looks good for 15 imo. Give her kissie from me.
So… if i would look at it … O nice i know that store she walks by = pic is safe O nice tits i gonna jerk off to it = pic is porn ?
Than one pic can be porn for one and safe for an other. I must be missing something.
Sounds good. Need to try.
That is id one off my favorites to do on a pizza
New info for me to
Need to go look that up. No id what that is
Never saw one in a store tnh. No clue how they taste
Sounds intriguing
Those rocket icecreems Cold pack
Eat stuff you don’t have to shew… So you don t open the wounds again.
2% betadine mouth wash… Not against pain but to keep more pain away.
I love the 1000 paracetamol with codeine alternated with brufen 600.
In a day or 2 it will be beter. Hang on.
Just for fun… i named my rabit oomox and the second one ponfar.
Yes… 40+ for me. A fork with one wonky leg.
I’m torn between roflol and feeling like cheering for him.
Not christmas stuff here but also giftbringer once a year.
Most times the children get to know the truth at 6-8 year. When they are in the year off school you get to write and read… If you don t know yet the others will tell you. And sometimes a bit of laughing. Hardcore believers are like 10. Never saw one older than that.
My sister was 4 she wanted proof. So explained. I was 6 and mam told me cause my relatives got always so mutch more and she did not wanted me to feel bad. Or think i was bad. My niece was 10 and she was like 2 days sad crying in het bed after dhe was told.
I seems to have that to. Also not knowing it was adhd… sounds possible