Nothing is nonstick like Teflon … But the VAST majority of cooking doesn’t require that level of nonstick, either.
Unless you have a French omelette addiction, you probably don’t need Teflon.
Nothing is nonstick like Teflon … But the VAST majority of cooking doesn’t require that level of nonstick, either.
Unless you have a French omelette addiction, you probably don’t need Teflon.
“some brands of bikes” make frames out of carbon fiber with wireless derailleurs and have rear facing radar to detect when other bikes or vehicles are approaching, how fast, and on which side.
When your exercise, your recreation, your hobby, and your transportation are all the same thing, it’s easy to justify spending more to make those things as easy and pleasant as possible.
You can get a perfectly usable bike for very little money in America… Probably still made in China though 😂
While it’s a fact that the middle class is shrinking, I think you’re miscalibrated.
Adam Something just released a C:S2 video where he removed roads and messed with traffic logic.
I too am an Adam Something fan. 😂
Edit: the reference
Also wait for sales.
$404 divided over 10 years is different than as a lump. But getting the whole bundle for 80% off because it’s been successfully developed for 10 years is value.
Star Citizen only feels like it’s been in alpha for 65 years.
Yeah people don’t seem to be understanding that this is a technical and pragmatic issue, not a business decision.
It’s the “new and improved” problem. If it’s new, it’s not improved. And if it’s improved, it’s not new.
If you want a new, cutting edge game, you aren’t just improving the old game. So the old stuff likely won’t be compatible.
If you want an improvement/extension of the old game, you won’t be getting a shiny new game.
They made the choice to make a shiny new game but they need to try to prevent the inevitable backlash from people being upset that they’re favorite X/Y/Z is missing.
It’s the way market forces work.
Markets aren’t moral. So while this is how it works, that doesn’t make it good. It’s so important for governments to protect workers for exactly this reason.
On this front, America is a literal joke.
I didn’t mean to sound like I was blaming you - I realize how it came across that way and I’m sorry.
Your situation sucks. And I know you’re not alone, there are tons of areas that have what basically works out to a labor surplus. It drives wages down because there’s no protection for workers and the minimum wage is a fucking joke.
You are getting paid less than $8.33/hr at a challenging job?
Unless you’re getting hella personal satisfaction you need to pound pavement.
So say we all
I hadn’t heard that but it seems like the right kind of direction to be headed.
One of my favorite comedy bits.
I think you’re missing the point, at least as far as I understand it.
Child predators experienced some kind of trauma, and as a result they never developed. That could be external trauma (abuse) or internal trauma (thoughts, mental illness) but as their body “grew up” and they began developing sexual urges, they never matured.
Think about your first crush. They were your age, probably, unless you had a crush on Jennifer Connelly like every other millennial boy. As you grew up your crushes were probably always within a few years of you. It’s just how it works.
In “minor attracted people” (I hate that term, but it works for criminals AND non-criminals so it’s valid) the attraction just doesn’t get updated.
Humans are REALLY BAD at controlling our impulses. Especially impulses that are taboo. Especially biological impulses (eating, sex, learning, games, etc).
So these people go into fields where they can be around kids. And then an “opportunity” arises and they either can’t fight their criminal impulse or they rationalize their criminal behavior.
And boom. Traumatized kids and teachers in jail.
We need to get more people therapy.
7.25 / 0.25 is indeed 29, therefore a 2800% increase is correct.
Thus, another dishonest way of stating this number is that it has increased almost 33% for each year since it was first implemented. (Not per year)
When it comes to psychology, I think Peterson has a lot of valuable insights.
When it comes to anything else I just wish he would shut his mouth.
That combination of feelings really sums up a lot of Joe’s guests.
In Gaben we trust.
When he’s gone I assume it will go to shit.
Eh, I hate the phrase toxic masculinity.
Some people are assholes. Men are assholes, and women are assholes. Don’t blame it on their gender.
I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, and then pursued a psychiatrist to oversee my treatment, who determined I didn’t have ADHD.
The way he described my situation made the “ADHD superpower” meme make more sense than anything I’ve ever read. I’m gonna butcher it but I’ll do my best to share:
There are structural differences in the brain that contribute to a person having ADHD, but the structural differences themselves ARE NOT ADHD. The last D in ADHD is “disorder”, and there are a whole bunch of external circumstances that mental health professionals use to determine whether or not you count as “disordered”.
You can have an addictive, impulsive, obsessive, stim-hungry brain and not have ADHD.
Many children develop habits, coping strategies, or other accommodations that allow them to “overcome” the weaknesses that come along with these brain structure differences.
This is the situation where ADHD looks like a superpower.
In my case I have a very, very easy time slipping into flow state. When I’m intensely focused on a task I am time blind, I often don’t respond to questions or acknowledgements, and I have an intense temper if I’m interrupted. So I’ve used timers and meditation/CBT to manage those drawbacks.
By comparison most people I know have a difficult time motivating themselves and accessing flow state. So to those people, especially when they DON’T see the extra work I do, it could look like I have a sort of super power.
It’s not a super power, my brain just works differently and I’ve come up with ways to manage the problems and use it to my advantage.