Elon Musk has already taken the initiative…bless his heart.
Elon Musk has already taken the initiative…bless his heart.
uBlock Origin has kept their filters up-to-date for me. Still no ads, and no blocks from YouTube, since day 1. I did disable my other privacy extensions like Privacy Badger and Ghostery on YouTube to stay on their “good” side however.
And they were never heard from again.
Who views ads in Reddit? Except for all the shill posts, that is.
Isn’t the Genie usually depicted as malicious, or at least mischievous? I would expect the Genie to grant the wish, knowing what a shitshow it would be.
They only care about monetization. If they can achieve that easier with a new UI you know they’re going to do that. Old.reddit.com and the current www.reddit.com are both expendable if they can make more money without them. This is the new, publicly-traded corporation Reddit. Tradition be damned, they will make their money in whatever manner pays best.