Rhythm training
Rhythm training
Here is more information: https://clickhole.com/are-you-a-flotsam-freak-or-a-jetsam-junkie-1825124630/
Just finished watching this episode and reading this post. I would like to read the next one after watching the next episode. Is there an index somewhere making it easy to find all these posts? If not it would be worth it, because they add value to star trek and they also add value to Lemmy
If you take the time to learn the languages spoken in your area, you multiply the opportunities that will come your way, socially, professionally, romantically, etc.
One practical way to informally assess your bilingual level:
You are bilingual when you have a friend who can only speak your second language.
You could look into “attachment style”, and perhaps you are “avoidant” or something similar.
Discussing this with a therapist, or advisor or life coach could probably help you zero in on what’s going and what to do about it.
I’ve read that humans are the only animals on the planet that can throw objects with a degree of accuracy.
Were you reading some Mormon booklet? Anyway, you were misled, but cheer up, you can probably find better reading material, starting with the several answers you got here.
www.numbr.dev is free and can do that. It’s like a calculator but you can label things freely in it.
It’s free to use
I think most of ST:LD pass your test, if not all of them
I like that question too. It’s originally from a stand up comedian named Gallagher.
And how come we need to sleep?
And eat food?
And why not have wheels for feet?
And what would a chair look like if our knees bent the other way?
Check out the YouTube channel Camping with Steve. Each episode is an overnight camping trip in various settings, either in the wilderness, or abandoned places, even stealth camping in a roundabout once. The guy has a good energy about him and you’ll get a ton of tips on the practical side of camping.
Thanks for taking the time to look at it. All of you guys are making Lemmy a great place.
First time posting a picture. It shows the computer back. Do you see anything where I can plug in another display?
Seems to be one displayport and the rest is mostly usb ports
Read several novels, and in time,you will learn how to label emotions.