I don’t think you read through any of those stories fully. All they’re describing is how the Trump administration separated all these people and the Biden administration has been trying to reunite them through his task force. Why they haven’t finally united any of the remaining 1400+ families is not in any of these sources.
What is mentioned is how the Biden administration went to provide separated families with aid but of course why would any reasonable Republican vote for that when they’re already trying to rip the families apart?
If your complaint is Biden didn’t clean up Trump’s mess fast enough for your liking, it’s not a great argument.
Cool. Since there’s so much staggering evidence of this in the mainstream news, could you link to some? This is the third time someone is asking you for evidence now and you’ve yet to provide any.
The new update is great, it crashes the client anytime I mouse over the loot box announcement or try to watch a video my friend posted.
Unknown buyer, what if it’s TenCent?