Shaking a raised fist
Double middle fingers
Fingers pointing up, thumb touching nose
Right fist thrusting under left hand
Shaking a raised fist
Double middle fingers
Fingers pointing up, thumb touching nose
Right fist thrusting under left hand
I don’t understand why this hasn’t happened already.
My parents paid for me to attend a private university in the late 80’s, for which I’m both extremely fortunate and grateful.
I wanted to do the same for my children, but there was no way. I pay half, my parents pay half, and my kids have very small loans.
I was experiencing significant disappointment that I wasn’t able to pay for my kids’ education the way my parents paid for mine.
At one point I used an inflation calculator to get an idea of how much my education cost in today’s dollars, and it turns out that when it’s corrected for inflation, I’m paying what my parents paid. My kids’ education is more than twice as expensive as mine was if you correct for inflation.
without it he’d look a hell of a lot worse.
I disagree. He’s old. He’d look old. That’s not worse, it’s just human.
I’ve been to a number of funerals. No one ever looks good. Everyone ends up looking inhuman.
My paternal grandparents were both cremated. Grandfather died first, then my grandmother died a few years later.
They weren’t going to have any kind of service, so there was no need for makeup. However, my parents, siblings and I gathered at the funeral home to say goodbye. The funeral home put the body on a gurney covered by a sheet.
They looked better than any other corpse I’ve seen. They looked dead, but not inhuman.
Trump should fire the mortuary make-up artist he’s been using and just try to be human.
Among the other options mentioned there is also orthokeratology: using a hard lens to reshape the eye to improve vision. It’s a non-surgical alternative to LASIK.
There are also treatment options for some binocular vision problems. Exercises that can strengthen the muscles of the eye to correct alignment issues.
Nope. Johnson.
No, not that one.
Andrew Johnson.
So many ways it could have been better.
He could have punished the Southern Aristocracy for starting the civil war. He could have ensured that the evil that led us there was exterminated forever.
Failing that, they could have actually removed him via impeachment instead of falling just short. That would have at least established forever that the presidency is not some sacred “unimpeachable” office.
Every four years Jill Stein emerges from her burrow. If she sees her shadow, it will be four more years of fascism.
I can’t be sure, but I think that look means, “you post it, you die.”
“Crazy monkey kept trying to disembowel me! It took everything I had to fight them off!”
I didn’t see it happen, but I saw the aftermath. A small car was crushed between two large trucks in the left lane of the highway. When I drove by, the crushed car was completely unrecognizable as a car. Just a pile of compacted metal and plastic. You couldn’t even tell what was the front or the back.
When I got to work, I checked the news to see what happened to the driver of the car.
No significant injuries, just some scratches. She laid down across the front seat and slid down under the dashboard and managed to find the one space that wasn’t completely compacted.
Most people tend to buy the imperfect cheap product rather than the better, more expensive product.
If we refused to buy crap, they wouldn’t make it. If we refused to buy it, they couldn’t make it.
They sell us crap because collectively we prefer it.
Cremation doesn’t burn everything to ash. Pieces of bone are left intact and must be mechanically pulverized to make the remains a powder.
When my dad’s dog was cremated many years ago, the remains they gave us were partially ash, but the larger pieces hadn’t been pulverized. It still had many intact pieces of bone. We could see evidence of some injuries and degenerative disease the dog had experienced in his hip and spine.
I’m not sure how many people would be down for rooting through their pet’s remains for proof that it is the right animal.
Whenever anyone talks about how high interest rates are now, I remember when my wife and I bought our house in 1997. We were pre-approved for a 30-year fixed rate mortgage at 7.5%, and we were told to take it.
What we were actually told was, "you’ll never see a rate this low again.
Yeah, that’s what I meant. Ask the women in your life for advice.
What do your woman friends say?
When people ask me why I like Linux, my go-to reason is my main personal machine. I use it for everything I do outside of work, including running my Emby server.
I built it from $500 worth of parts 13 years ago. I’ve kept updating the os and applications. It’s starting to slow down a bit after the last os upgrade, but it’s still plenty usable.
I am getting concerned about the spinning platters. As far as I am aware, Linux won’t prevent an ancient hard disk drive from reaching the natural end of is life.
It’s probably time to move on to a new machine. Well, new motherboard, CPU, RAM, and disks at least.
that doesn’t mean the political articles will be!
The idea is that it means there’s no reason to trust anything the paper says. However, that doesn’t go far enough.
If you read an article in a paper about something you have direct knowledge of, and you can confirm the article is factually correct, that still doesn’t mean anything else in the paper can be trusted.
You can’t really trust anything. For all you know, I’m a guinea pig who managed to steal a cell phone to post on the Internet. I’m not, of course. That would be impossible. However, how would you know?
not the name of the software/company, but rather some sort of advanced DDOS-like attack
As we’ve discovered, both can be true.
My dad, whenever someone would bang their head, or stub their toe, or hit their thumb with a hammer, would say, “doesn’t it feel good when you stop?”
That’s kind of how I feel about programming. It’s like repeatedly hitting yourself in the head with a hammer because it feels so good when you stop. I’m so addicted to the feeling of solving the problem, that I keep seeking out problems to torture myself with.