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Мы все говорим достаточно, чтобы использовать инструменты перевода.
I don’t normally stop for “cute” but this one got me. It’s super cute.
Hahaha. Tallest.
I’m not offended. Just wondering. If I reversed her race and changed the mayo to something dark. Well. Yeah.
You don’t have to be black for the pigs to harass you. Just poor. But being black certainly don’t help.
Have you ever made eggnog yourself? It’s not that hard and it’s fucking wonderful
I only played the original. I had a super shitty laptop that I loved back in the day when I was working the ambulance. Would play it between calls. As well as a special LoL account that would occasionally go afk dying matches. (Sorry guys. Not my fault. Kind of my fault. I’m sorry.
Shovel knight rules
The fucking lion king. Aladdin was hard af too. But roger rabbit? I couldn’t beat that bouncing around mother fucker and I don’t know if I ever did. And fuck kid Icarus. Another one I never beat. But the answer to the question is Turok for 64
Yes. People buy tomatoes. What? I’m glad you got motherfuckers just handing out fruits and vegetables in your neighborhood but you have to realize that you are a special case.
A fun one is set you up a nice little greenhouse’situation (use what you got. Figure it out) and get a bunch of tomatoes started real early. Then you can sell knee high plants as soon as the frost is past for $20 a pop
Oh. Good advice. I guess.
I don’t know what ftfy is
I’m sorry :(
Лол. Пей и трахни. Я внесу это в свой лексикон, потому что это потрясающе.