I knew it was going to be that shithead Ben Stein.
I knew it was going to be that shithead Ben Stein.
I think the ancient Romans would make their richest people pay for the construction of warships. You would only get out of it by pointing to a richer person to pay.
Do that but not for warships, pay for infrastructure repair, all those roads and bridges that keep the economy going need to be brought up to today’s standards and new bridges built to replace ones that are crumbling. Their wealth could not have been built if not for the roads and tracks that are now crumbling beneath years of cuts to local and state/provincial governments.
Greed is the biggest issue we have in this world right now.
It should be made to be a mental health disorder that must be treated professionally and by taking away the money not needed to operate their business.
Kill tax breaks and strip the rich with 90% taxes on everything over 5 million dollars of any money they make even capital gains and investment income.
Own one home pay regular taxes, own two double the tax, own three triple the tax and so on until no one wants to own more homes. Same goes for corpos that rent to people at above market rates using software to drive rental prices up.
Greed must be made to be shameful and punishable not accepted and desired. Robber barons like Musk and Bezos should taxed into non existence.
Unfortunately it isn’t wrong it is just horrible and abusive advice. Destroying the self worth and confidence of a person can trap them in a relationship because they feel they can do no better so they stay. I feel bad for that person’s wife, I hope she ended up dumping his ass
The rock is a folk hero, that is why people are reticent to throw their heros into the sea with trash tied to them.
Tie them all together with a floating rope at the wrists to waists. They will eventually tire out, when they do they will sink themselves, once they have provided value to the fishes and other sea life then the rope will float back to the top and you can start all over with another group of valuable market leaders.
I use 2-3 squares of toilet paper to wipe and dry. I don’t want to run the electrical wires to hook up a fancy bidet with a hot air blower
For that to work some people have to get too much pressure. Your clean ass will have been built on the live lost to excessive bidet pressure.
The key it to climb up on the roof at take a shit from there, then climb down and use the bidets.
It could also be the alcoholism.
Can you put two rabbits inside? Now you have infinite rabbits. Profit?
Those licorice flavored taffy candies that are in a black and orange wrapper.
They are fucking gross as is most anise flavored things but their stickiness makes them worse than other things.
Realize you aren’t going to be happy all the time. We live a life that sometimes sucks. Our grandparents, our parents, our siblings, and our friends die. Choose to remember the happy times you had with them. Go do things you like to do, remember those times when shit is bad and know that you can make more happy memories later too.
Find happiness in love, from people, from pets, maybe even your children if you choose to have some. Make others happy too if you want because happiness is better when shared with others.
A bite of the Ouroboros, why should the serpent be the only one that gets a taste of itself?
depending on severity, advil extra strength liquigels for a quick onset headache. If it won’t go away then another advil with a Tylenol at the same time, I call it Advenol.
Whatever genre includes System of a Down, Rage against the Machine, Tool, and Nine Inch Nails
They have either a message or emotional rage or both at the same time. SOAD can go from pizza song to songs about prison industrial complex on the same album. Rage is uncompromisingly left political. Tool is on a journey from anger and unhealthy mental health in their early albums to embracing therapeutic ideas and healing while still feeling human emotions. NIN is just raw industrial sound and emotion.
You need an air fryer. The fries will be back to crispy.
I wake up and before I get out of bed, I put on some TENS pads and shock my back for some minutes before I do a set of stretches. I’m 42 and I have an active job lifting stuff, if I don’t stretch every morning I’m going to have a very bad rest of the week.
So you would have a handful of popcorn and the movie would be over.
His manners are somewhere up a small boys anus.