It is clear that AI is the new 3D tv.
What nonsense. AAA games are not going away there just may be fewer of them.
Does the Xbox even have any use case these days? PC mini?
Amazon has been hurting their workers long enough.
PS5 Pro is a strait up rip off. Only suckers would buy this.
You are forgiven.
Please don’t ever bring crypto here again.
Yes Facebook is bad really bad. If you have not left, please do.
Sounds like a decent budget card.
California finally did it for plastic bags other states have done it as well. Nationwide plastic bags and single use bottles need to be banned.
I have seen endless reports like this from every news source, labs, you name it. The reality is plastics have to be banned. Period. Only then can any of this work pay off.
So the plastics industry has been pushing stories like this my entire life. Things never change because regular plastic is the cheaper option.
It is very much worth it! It is a great value for what you get. I highly recommend you connect it to a strong pc and purchase your games on steam so that you get the best quality visuals and when you switch headsets in the future your games will be available no matter what headset you choose.
The new SE is exactly what I wanted but it is coming a little too late for me. The new SE has a bigger screen, faceID, smaller bezel, wifi7, and the price I really wanted to pay. With the deal I got on my 14 Plus it was very close and I did not have to wait. My old SE battery was not lasting and it was a little to slow for me. It needed an upgrade.
I had the 2nd gen SE. I wanted a bigger phone with faceID and a better battery. I ended up with a 14 plus. It is perfect for my needs.
I tried to wait for the SE but did not make it. Took them too long.
On the price side Apple is bringing out a new SE in 2025. Should be cheap. The First issue I don’t know about so can’t respond (torrenting).
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