Obligatory Technology Connections video. Might help with your dishwasher woes: https://youtu.be/jHP942Livy0
Build. Mode. Music.
This as well as its GUI are what I use. It is a bit annoying as you have to redo some steps after windows or driver updates.
This was probably 1997ish. My godparents had a computer with AOL, and I remember being blown away by chat rooms and being able to instantly communicate with people from all over the world. A year later, my family joined got our first internet connection.
If you mean the “Manually block sleep and screen locking” toggle in the battery icon in the systray, then no, that didn’t stop the lid action.
50/6 :( 'Murca!
Such courage! /s
Real nerds learned how to create SP-MIDIs and structured them to degrade gracefully no matter how limited your phone’s synth chip was.
CD-R for compatibility
Apple Watch 10 removed the option for pinning apps to the Task Switcher. It’s now way more inconvenient to scroll through the App List to find what I want at that moment.
I’m heartbroken that Day 4 isn’t “Four Cardassian Spotlights”.
Now that I’ve discovered emulators are now allowed on iOS, I’m playing through the original PS version of Chrono Cross.
The ability to use save states and jump back into a session within seconds is HUGE for me. No vendor logos, no waiting for save points. Just instant save and recall.