One could argue the blade trilogy predicted the fate of the marvel franchise as a whole. We are currently in blade 3.
One could argue the blade trilogy predicted the fate of the marvel franchise as a whole. We are currently in blade 3.
They have a new device that you wear on your neck that electronically stimulates you to prevent apnea. Might be worth looking into. I’m not an expert though.
Have you been checked for sleep apnea?
70% of survival with adhd is fighting the urge to elaborate.
I’m gonna say this because it’s obvious…A project should really be finished before you release it. Like, I imagined a pretty fucking dope game the other day but you don’t see me charging $70 for it do you?
I will though if you want to send me the money I’ll tell you about the game and then sell you the real game in a few years maybe.
For-profit medical care.
I bet you could get something playable modding fallout that’s better than this.
Shit I was just having fun playing all the maps from the old days. Was it worth 70? Idk are wheat thins worth $6?. I hope enjoying something that is just okay doesn’t lose me the esteemed regard of the people who rate my buzzed up commentary.
I’m trying to imagine having any part of my identity tied to an object.
You guys don’t have eSIM yet?
How do you process information best? Some writers have elaborate timelines of their character arcs drawn out on paper, while some have a spreadsheet of character info, and others just write what comes to mind and edit as they go.
When I ask you what your favorite movie is, what do you consider to pare the list down? Is that answer influenced by me at all? If the answer to that is yes, do you actually have ideas but your brain won’t let you believe they are creative because you think others would react negatively?
Maybe you should write a very short story and post it online for feedback as a first exploratory step. I think you can do it. If all else fails just sit down and start typing your comic book. Nobody has to see it.
Siddhartha by Herman Hesse. I read it every 5 years or so. A quick read that changed my perspective on suffering and seeking truth.
I just got a Hisense that’s google tv but in setup I had the option to configure it as just cable and inputs.
I got the U7 series. I don’t know if this feature is consistent across all google tvs or all Hisense tvs or what, but I’ve given you somewhere to start at least.
We have a group chat going that’s been pretty successful. My brother left Facebook first and that made it easier for me.
Wait, you guys are getting paid?
It’s okay when Sony does it though, right? Like they have for the last almost decade? I can’t believe I survived. Do you know I waited an almost combined 10 weeks for content as an Xbox player? Harrowing.
There’s just one thing we can’t figure out. How the hell did you get all those birds to wear jeans?
If cabbage will grow there: grow a bunch and make a really dope national dish out of it. I then create a network of people in every other country in the world and brutally enforce the secrecy of the recipe.
The entire world craves the cabbage dish. We have the cabbage dish and will kill you for making it.
I am eventually accused of high cabbage crimes by American sympathizers inside my ranks and deposed.
America takes over and immediately attempts to monetize the cabbage dish with tourism.
Capitalists cut costs far enough that the dish is no longer fire. People bore of it. America pulls out of the country citing mission accomplished.
If the country can’t grow cabbage: I wouldn’t have invaded it.
Experts often qualify their answers and a certain segment of the population sees this as weak. It makes sense if you consider the strength of your faith being an asset you would view any nuance as weakness.