are there actually this old posts?
this seems like google + reddit being a shitty combination. i’m seeing fewer results but the two results i get that are 7 years old are just links to the subreddit, not to posts, which is likely throwing off the date on there.
other reverse image searches like tineye don’t show any prior images, so it’s very likely that you’re just fooled by misleading search results.
unless you can produce links or other evidence about actual 7 year old content please correct your comment.
I have already commented the same on the other post.
unfortunately it seems that people are trusting google search results to be accurate without following links.
as far as I can tell this is a combination of reddit returning the subreddit creation date as the timestamp that will show up in search results yet including images of recent posts, which google will then use as an indicator of “the image exists on this page”. this will lead to a 7 year old subreddit with recent posts showing as the image being present on a 7 year old search result. if people actually follow the link they’ll see it’s just a link to the subreddit and not to an individual post.