I have everything I need for a Nadja of Antipaxos costume, but I don’t think we’re going anywhere.
My girl cat slept on top of me all night. I’m now hurting from not being able to change position while sleeping. (I guess I could have moved, but she’s too sweet to disturb)
Three shares, folded in half, then in half again. Maybe two squares if it’s quilted.
Stop trying to make fetch happen
Yeah, I guess so. It’s probably so they put lower overall salt on the packaging.
Not only “spices” but paprika and white pepper too!
I’ve been using Daylio for years.
It’s designed to track moods and the activities associated with them, but it’s adaptable, so I use it to track my headaches. It’s very easy to use and it doesn’t feel onerous to record the information.
It’s starting to get cold here, which means more cat cuddles!
Well hello!
Love that the “eyeliner flick” is on the opposite side.
She sounds wonderful, I’m so happy she found a home with you!
I would always adopt an adult rather than a kitten. We’ve had a kitten and he was hard work!
Our orange cat was 2 when we had him from the shelter. He was found on the street with cat flu. They treated this, but he was still very skinny when we adopted him, with rough fur and cracked paw pads.
We’ve had him just over a year and he gained a lot of weight at first, but now he trusts that there’s always going to be dinner for him. His fur is glossy and bright, and his paws are healthy. He’s incredibly loving, even with children, and loves sitting near us when we’re working.
I’m glad we got him. Even our other cat (also adopted, but from a friend) is slowly warming to him!
When I worked in retail, I had this wanker of a middle manager who would ask how I was getting on, and when I said fine, he’d always say “It’s not rocket science, is it?”
He was mid twenties and only a few years older than me. He used to call female employees “babe”.
One time I watched him get a withering telling off from a customer. The customer wasn’t in the right, but it felt like a little bit of retribution for all us “babes”.
Oh wow, this is my orange doing the same thing! It’s his preferred position.
I met a cat in a chip shop, rubbing against everyone’s legs. Apparently he was in there often and the delivery driver would drop him home.
I get that. I’ve been trying not to use the wooden boards for cutting them as it gives off such a weird smell when I wash them.
Not allergic, but the very thought of onions (and garlic) in pregnancy made me feel sick. Smelling them or seeing them cooked (with their translucent little stripes) would have me heaving. All the foods I love have onions and garlic in. It was awful.
I have something similar! Mine is a playwright, so not on most people’s radar, unless they Google my name. It’s great.
It’s from above and he has an ottoman pushed underneath with cushions on. The hammock is suspended but he was a bit unsure at first so it helped him to get up.