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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2024

  • That I can’t really answer, as there’s no real in universe measuring stick for bending power. Some people clearly just have more oomph to their bending though, though I can’t say if any bender could reach that peak level through training, or if they have to be born with a certain level of talent/power. Zuko certainly shows that bending can improve through training. In flashbacks we see him struggle with basic bending techniques, and little natural ability.

    Conversly, in that same flashback, Azula makes a good argument for natural talent, being a bit of a prodigy at it. Korra takes that argument even further, being able to bend 3 elements when she’s like 5 or something.

    If we think of the time the Gaang assaulted the earth palace to talk to the earth king, we see them fight through pretty much the entire Dai Li/palace guard to get to the king. These would all be highly trained earthbenders, some of the kingdoms elite. But they essentially get chewed through by 3 kids.

    So basically, much like real life, training can help a bender improve. A lot. But also like real life, sometimes people have just a ridiculously high natural ability that pushes them above the herd. Aang, Toph, Katara, Azula, these are the Jordans, Gretzkys, Kobes of the bending world. So both nature and nurture.

  • The cloud was absolutely water bending. Aang used airbending to fly up, but collecting the water means you’re condensing the water vapor that is mixed with air and specifically moving the water into katara’s waterskin.

    Also to respond to a couple other comments at the same time:

    @nesc@lemmy.cafe Yes, waterbenders can bend steam, and change it’s phase. In The Drill, Sokka breaks a pipe, filling the room with steam, to get an engineer with schematics to come. When he shows up, Katara flash freezes him in place, using the steam the had filled up that room.

    As for air controlling any gaseous substance, I don’t think we have any idea if other gasses could be controlled by an airbender, but since “air” is a mix of a bunch of different gasses to begin with it stands to reason they could bend a number of different gaseous substances. And for waterbenders, probably just depends how much water is in that liquid. We know blood and perfume can be bent by waterbenders, at the very least.

    @Majorllama@lemmy.world Lavabenders belonging to earth bending makes perfect sense, as lava is literally molten rock. You yourself said “water can do ice and stuff since that’s just a phase change”, and that’s exactly what rock into lava is. The ability is pretty rare though, as I imagine it takes a lot more “power” to phase change earth than it does water, as it’s melting point is so much higher. Also, as Toph says, earth is a stubborn element, so it takes a very powerful bender to produce, or more often, an avatar. Metalbending is actually much easier for most earthbenders to learn, as lavabending was used by Kyoshi at least if not discovered earlier, but metalbending became much more widespread even though it was discovered hundreds of years later.

    As for what does air get? Spiritual projection mumbo jumbo. Also vacuum creation.

    There are other sub bending specialties too. Combustion (fire), sand (earth), healing (water), sound (air). So they all get a buncha extra stuff than just the base “bend your element”.

    And now I have gone on waaaay too long about this.

  • Nor do I think he’s a horrible person for edgy comments and actions that most of us have definitely done one way or another on the Internet.

    Now, I pay no attention at all to pewdiepie, and this is the first I’ve heard about this paying people to hold up an anti-semitic sign as a “joke”, or whatever, but from my limited knowledge, this sort of behavior is absolutely the hallmark of a horrible person. There is a world of difference between the average “edgy” comment and paying people to hold up a sign that says “death to all jews”.

  • Maybe you are a narcissist and maybe you aren’t, neither of us are actually qualified to make that call. A therapist that you see regularly would be, however. Now, while I say I’m not qualified to make that call, I will say that the shit you say is 100% the same shit a narcissist would.

    Signs of narcissistic personality disorder include exaggerated sense of self-importance (“I will always be better than my friends”), lack of empathy (“I feel like I can treat them however I want without much remorse. In fact, I feel like most of the time, I’m right to treat people this way.”), and a tendency to exploit others (“I view people as more tools than anything”).

    Everything you said that I quoted in my post above is a red flag for narcissism. I could’ve quoted a lot more than I did even, but I figured those would be enough to get the point across.

    Now, as for your question about “can I have friends without socializing all the time,” maybe first you should ask yourself, “Do I actually want friends? Or do I just want more tools I can use?” Cuz I don’t believe that you actually want friends.

    But regardless, whether it’s ADHD and depression, or narcissism, or some combination of all three, the answer remains the same. You need to find a therapist, and you need to do the work. Work on becoming a decent human who actually cares about other people, aside from how they can benefit you, and having friends will liekly follow.

  • Oh, I remember you, I’ve seen a couple threads from you over the past couple days. So, let’s recap a few of the things I’ve seen you say.

    I view people as more tools than anything

    They also say I’m a bad sport for calling them useless pieces of crap all the time

    I remember one time someone stole the ball from my friend so I called my friend helpless and useless.

    When I see someone being useless, I call them out for it. I will always be better than my friends

    When something I do is considered “wrong” or “bad”, I genuinely don’t consider it morally wrong at all. I only know it’s wrong because someone told me it is, and if their telling me that doesn’t benefit me in some way, I tend to blame them and see them as acting irrationally.

    I call my friends useless and horrible, and I really have no guilt/remorse or sympathy about that. I feel like I can treat them however I want without much remorse. In fact, I feel like most of the time, I’m right to treat people this way.

    I want to maintain a good public image, so i say people should be kind and that bullying is wrong, because it’s been done to me amend doesn’t feel good. But to be honest, I couldn’t care less about how other people feel if it doesn’t impact me.

    I believe I can feel remorse sometimes, such as if they do something that isn’t benefitting me

    That last one really cracks me up. You only feel remorse when someone else does something that doesn’t benefit you. That’s not how remorse works. Remorse is felt when you yourself have done something wrong and are ashamed of it. But based on the things you’ve said, you don’t ever really feel bad about your own actions, maybe at the most giving it a “yeah, I know people say this is wrong”, but it doesn’t look like you ever actually feel it. A lot of what you say reads as the most narcissistic shit I’ve ever seen in my life.

    So to answer your question for this thread. Yes. You are a bad friend. Get therapy. Seriously.

    Or don’t, and I’m sure you’ll have no friends at all soon enough. But I’m sure you’ll be able to rationalize that as being their fault anyway, so don’t worry, you won’t even have to feel any sort of remorse!

  • Yes, 2 had a lot of re-used locations. Some of them did make sense, as the story was almost entirely set within a single city, so certain locations are bound to pop up multiple times, especially as the game takes place over a decade or so.

    But the real reason, 2 was developed and rushed out the door in like a year or something? It was a ridiculously short amount of time to develop a sequel to a game as big as DA:O. Unsurprisingly, this led to a LOT of re used assets and locations.

    But though it obviously had failings, I, like some others, would probably put DA2 as the high point for the series telling really character driven stories with the most compelling cast of characters.