well maybe, but Saint Nicholas, who Santa is (loosely) based on, is real (https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Nicholas)
Because we have to acknowledge the systemic privilege of white people. I’m so very white. I have my problems and my concerns, but none of them are for my looks. Black people do not have that luxury.
Yeah it’s not about that. It’s about culture, history, systemic racism, discrimination, found family, community…
This “I don’t see colour” argument is an old blind argument that ignores all of the above.
You don’t hate yourself. You clearly can voice that you don’t like the feelings you get out of these interactions. You even wrote it down. So you can take it now to them. Tell them in basically the same words as you used here, that it makes you feel like that and you wanted to know if they can understand why you feel like that. Good luck.
Holy shit today was the worst day for me, too. I constantly changed rooms forgetting why I went there. All the time.
Natürlich ist das Beispiel gleich wieder Kampfjets. Denn das ist die Industrie die Alles kontrolliert.
Well there’s hope that it incentivices the American people to revolt or revolution. So…yay?
Just take the T
Yeah as the others have written, the withdrawal off venlafaxin is rough. If I could change one thing in my life it would be to taper it off for half a year or more. I took it out too quickly I think and dealt with the symptoms of withdrawal for months.
Bupropion for me was the first antidepressants that seemed to really work while still making me feel human. Lots of bad stuff didn’t happen. Now I’m slowly getting rid of it. It’s gonna take me months this time… Good luck with it. Everyone’s experience is gonna be different.
Da hast du Recht. Aber das fehlende Gehalt, Anerkennung und die schlechten Bedingungen führen auch dazu dass weniger Menschen den Beruf machen wollen/können. Und dann ist es ein Fachkräftemangel. Das Problem wurde dann so “behoben” indem man einfach allen möglichen anderen Berufsgruppen zugesprochen hat dass die jetzt auch Kinderbetreuung machen können… Also haben wir immer mehr schlecht ausgebildete Menschen…
Wieso setzt du Fachkräftemangel in Anführungszeichen?
Alle die sagen dass Kinder das wichtigste für Deutschland wären, haben noch nie richtig in Grundschulen geschaut. Ich arbeite in einer völlig durchschnittlichen Grundschule und alles ist so wie das Klopapier. Es ist kaputt, heruntergekommen, schmutzig, billig, überfüllt…
“fun fact”: es wurde erfolgreich entschieden dass die Zeitumstellung abgeschafft wird. Das ist inzwischen ein paar Jahre her und ist einfach nicht passiert
Thank you. Those are some actionable tips for me.
This really stuck in my head today and I’m still processing your message. Thank you so much for taking the time to write it, it means a lot.
Hey that means a lot. Oceans and landmasses are in the way, but I appreciate you.
So the number. Out of 50, 30 are just my colleagues. I didn’t all invite them individually, a few I did, but mostly I gave a group invite. It’s quite usual for the colleagues to hang out together, go to stuff together. So that leaves 20 people I invited by hand.
Thanks. Those are good points. I’m 40. I’ve been to therapy. And it’s not like I can just go, there’s no spots, no therapists, no waiting lists. I have a social therapist who’s okay, I guess. I’m on bupropion, but after about 2,5-3 years, I finally want to get off it. I hate being on antidepressants so long, I’ve had bad experiences with taking them too long.
The hard thing about learning these mental patterns and tools as a person with ADD seems to me, like I have to learn them again and again and again…
I’ve been diagnosed about 2-3 years ago only…
I’m glad it worked out for you so far. Good luck out there
Thanks for the insights. I don’t think I can say I had fun or similar, when I didn’t. I had anxiety the whole night and felt incredibly awkward and ashamed.
Yeah thanks for the advice and the wishes. I think you’re exactly right about how those conversations could turn out. So I guess something uncommitting like you suggested is a good start …
I like the idea with the smaller dinners. Sadly, people don’t come around my place. It’s a bit out of the way. And I thought the “bigger” plans are exactly good for the kind of conversations where you aren’t too close with the people and you can get closer with them. In a café/restaurant/bar/living room setting, you have to do small talk…
also ich habe den Vorteil, dass ich mit Kindern arbeite, also singe ich mit denen. ich wollte auch im Kollegium singen, aber die waren auch alles Schnarchnasen. Meine Partnerinnen sind auch nicht die richtigen fürs Singen, also ich weiß was du meinst. Ich möchte auch noch zu einem Adventssingen irgendwo in die Kirche gehen oder so