Buckle Up, Disappointment Awaits!
Buckle Up, Disappointment Awaits!
That’s me all the time, I find it equally as odd when I do have a dream.
I had messed around with various distros in the mid 2000’s but never more than a day. Just as a “this seems neat” kinda thing. Recently I wised up, tried Zorin OS was on that for a year, then went back to windows for a while. now I’m running EndeavorOS and there isn’t even a windows partition on this machine, I will not be going back. Still debating setting up QEMU for the only windows only program I miss though.
Wayland is still unusable for me. Was happily running Wayland in 5.27 But have encountered nothing but issues in 6.0, main one being performing any sort of action with animations, scrolling, opening notifications etc causes the desktop frame rate to pummet, sometimes even hitting zero. All AMD build as well. I’ll keep checking back to see if it’s fixed but I’m too new to Linux to do any real sleuthing. X11 has been working fine in the meantime.
Could turn it into a emulation box, play some classics.
Will definitely be checking some of these out!
Thank you for reminding me of Material Shell, I tried it years ago on an older build of Zorin OS and it crashed constantly. Excited to give it another whirl, and great to see he’s working on the same concept with a new implementation,
Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy
Damn that looks good, now I gotta go buy more kimchi as it never lasts long in our house.
Yep. Came across a computer recently still running Windows 2000 on it. Fan sounded like a truck with a bad lifter tick 😂
Not a week goes by that I don’t think about Y’s 8 at some point. It was my first entry into the series, it took my restarting 4 times before I got a “feel” for it and got sucked into the story. I am so glad I did. One of my all time favourite series now. Currently playing through Origins waiting for the English and hopefully PC release of Nordics
Perfect Dark as well.
Gargoyles consistently slips under people’s radar and that’s so sad, as it was such a great cartoon. I mean who doesn’t want Jonathan Frakes voicing the big bad?
Just think of the Duck Tales intro song, that should at least replace it.
Got way too much on the go right now.
That’s really bad, sounds like a winter compound tire was sold as an all-season or something. That sounds like the typical treadwear for a winter tire that gets run in the wrong season.
Also for anyone reading this, If you ever need cheap tires try your local independent mechanics or to a lesser extent franchise mechanics shop, lots of people swap tires when they have 35%+ tread life left. Lots of shops will let these tires go for cheap if you get them put on at their shop. I would gladly take a good quality tire at 40% tread life vs a cheapo crap set at 100%
I work in the rim and tire industry so I find this really interesting. Haven’t seen either of those two brands before where I am, but most cheaper brands nowadays are all made at the same two or three locations and just get a different name stamped into the sidewall.
It should be illegal to scan or redeem your lotto tickets before 9am. Some people are just trying to get to work, but nooope, gotta wait behind the superstitious lady who only wants every second scratch&win with a serial number that ends in 2 or some crap.
Front Mission just got a remake, it’s out now. Not sure how good the remake is though.
Roboquest is one of the most enjoyable games I have played in years, And the devs seem to really care, every update has made the game significantly more enjoyable and they seem to be actually listening to player suggestions and feedback. Highly recommended if you want a fast paced FPS Roguelite.
If you’ve played Gunfire reborn and are expecting more of the same your going to be disappointed though.
Gunfire Reborn is Roguelite first, FPS second Roboquest is FPS first, Roguelite second.
Same concepta executed and implemented very differently.