This would be more early 60’s, mostly because those engineers were working with 2 track stereo which really limits your options. Most artists were recording on at least 8 track stereo by the 70’s.
This would be more early 60’s, mostly because those engineers were working with 2 track stereo which really limits your options. Most artists were recording on at least 8 track stereo by the 70’s.
It’s also worth noting that Scott Adams is a human-alien hybrid*.
*This is according to Scott Adams.
It astonishes me how many people in a professional setting don’t even know alt + tab
The first two games are classics of the PS2 era. If the idea of a Disney / Final Fantasy crossover full of ridiculous anime bullshit doesn’t appeal to you, you probably won’t have a good time.
I dunno, after playing the opening sequence of Spider-Man 2 I thought “oh there’s no way they could do this on a PS4”. The graphics are just insane. Gameplay? Sure, nothing spectacularly out of range of the previous gen. But that came out late last year so it definitely feels like we’re just starting to get there.
That smirk! What charisma.
I’ll be honest, I’m not really sure what you’re getting at with the food analogy.
Your question is like asking ‘Why hasn’t there been another good band since Green Day?’ Some people don’t think they are a good band, some people like them but think other stuff is way better, ect. Again, because good is a subjective measure and (artistic) taste really isn’t quantifiable.
Because good is an entirely subjective measure. Ask a 5 year old what the best tv show is and you’ll get a different answer than if you asked a professional critic. There have been loads of shows since X-Files ended that are entertaining and have engaging characters. It’s okay to have a favorite.
Calvin and Hobbes and a Rock Band guitar? Can I come over? Lol
Once you go black you never go back
I would not recommend it. KH1 and 2 are absolute classics and are a pretty self-contained story if you don’t feel like committing to the whole series.
Kingdom Hearts soundtracks always slap
I tell my cat she’s the center of the universe. Since space-time wraps around on itself, the known universe doesn’t have a defined center and any point in space can be considered its center. She knows she’s the center of the universe.
It’s pretty sad honestly. Back in the PS3/360 days it felt like a healthy rivalry but ever since the Xbox One Kinect and always online debacle Xbox hasn’t really recovered and I feel both Sony and MS are both worse off for it.