His mother is very proud!
Just a guy. Just a fella.
His mother is very proud!
The menu one is specifically so restaurants don’t get sued when they accidentally serve you raw products or food you’re allergic to.
I suppose that makes us litigious, which is pretty weird and sad.
I just got a deck last week and I’m loving it so far. Been playing Castle Crashers again (here’s hoping the new update comes out soon!) as well as Baldur’s Gate 3 with my wife, which runs incredibly well surprisingly.
You guys stumbled upon Raëlism! A cult that originated in France. I have firsthand experience. I met a “Raelian Guide” at a convention and gave a presentation on his religion. They mention the topless stuff, and they’re also anti-genital mutilation. But they also wish to reclaim the Swastika as a symbol of peace and love.
During this presentation, the guide, in talking about reclaiming the Swastika, "it was traditionally a symbol of peace and love, but you all wouldn’t learn about that in our Jewish controlled education system. " (Word for word what he said in front of 100~ people)
They’re, uhh, Nazis.
Found Tim Sweeney.
My least favorite app from my least favorite corporation. I have to use Visio every day for work, and it’s a clumsy, buggy mess. You’d think a bajillion dollar company like Microsoft could put out a decent program. You’d think.
I’ve been playing since the last round of beta invites, and I love it. Everything’s pretty intuitive so far, and I find myself moving around more to give me those steps. Can’t wait to see what comes next!!
The writing is really awful but boy the gameplay is fun. It’s certainly the step up from Borderlands 2 that was needed (even though I love BL2 more in every other way)
One of my favorites. RIP Trevor Moore.
I wish I could do this in real life. I’ve seen two in my city and they’re visually arresting.
Great write up, and I’m glad you were able to recover most of your servers after this incident.
This is the real deal…
I was a Crocs hater for the longest time. Finally I needed some new shoes for doing tasks outside (gardening, etc) and on a whim got some Crocs. They’re pretty comfy and very convenient to slip on real fast to go outside.
Basically, yeah. If your game is in a playable state, launching in early access allows devs to get feedback from the community, who help shape the game all the way to the full release. Generally EA games are discounted, with the expectation that it isn’t finished or polished, full of bugs, etc.
Oil-absorbing paper
Sometimes I’ll get so oily, I fear the United States is about to launch an invasion on me. Do you have a brand or kind you recommend? Those might benefit me.
Hello, me. Complete with the triple tap check…
Honestly, a very useful skill to learn. Thanks for the pitch!
Damn, maybe I need a pair. I have the same habit, including picking at nails. I always end up with a really shitty hangnail or bit of skin that stings.
Burt’s Bees is definitely the best!
Pretty standard stuff here.
The artificial lavender smell they put on those scented trash bags gives me migraines :/