Came here to say, I find this more palettable than most such refferernces in the wild.
Came here to say, I find this more palettable than most such refferernces in the wild.
Your last paragraph: I have less reason to do that than modern Israelis did, which I’ve pointed out was something like negative millions of reasons.
Congratulations on completely missing the point over and over again. Your prize is to keep on wallowing in your own incoherent bullshit.
Never even quoted you nor invoked what you said in that last comment. Meerly addressed your stupid edit and re-hashed the single point you’ve steadfastly refused to acknowlege, even now.
Oh no, Iran’s backing them? Who cares. The entire West is “backing” Israel. Feeding them weapons and egging-on their worst impulses to keep them making themselves targets.
At this point, I’m pretty sure you don’t care one whit more for Israelis and IDF soldiers than I do. Keeping their soldiers and leadership from being held accountable for their actions just solidifies the monolith of evil their entire country represents to their neighbors.
Call me when Iran invades … well, anywhere really. If I invaded a foreign land, killed a bunch of people, burned down their houses, and brought my family along to boast how proud of me they were, I wouldn’t be surprised when me and/or mine ended up raped and murdered, even generations down the line. Pretty much how the story plays out in all the history books.
Many of them, in particular, resulted in this thing called a “diaspora”. Might well have been the smartest thing some people(among ANY people) ever did.
You’re funny. I’m at a Hockey game with my kids. By arguing there is no Palestinian genocide, you’re simping for the IDF, who are demonstrably terrorists, for which you are simping.
Stick to what you’re good at, I guess, this holier-than-thou, ad nauseam schtick ain’t it. Just up-chuck the quote from when Conan met Ghengis Kan and run away like a good little simp.
That “process” in the decades following WW2 was the creation of Isreal and various countries exporting their Jewish populations to Israel. Personally, I would rather have Jews as neighbors than shove them into a foreign land stolen from others with targets on their backs, but do go on.
Meanwhile, October 7th rapes we have “reasonable grounds” to believe in, according to the UN, while most Israeli hostage deaths are attributable to The Hannibal Directive, and IDF soldiers literally boast of rapes and such on-line.
The only one simping terrorsists here is you. I’m not denying anyone’s crimes, but you want to use some crimes as an excuse to deny the visible evidence of others. Israeli citizens have been tricked into scape-goating themselves in the Middle East on behalf of Western countries, and all you will focus on is the brown people who want their land back being “inherently evil”.
By your reasoning, I should move back to the US southwest and bitch at some natives for ever speaking a language other than English. Nevermind their people lived there for thousands of years, I was born there, so my claim is legit to, right? As if.
The Holocause was most well-documented by the perpetrators. That’s why The Diary of Anne Rice was so exceptional. Those who survived it were not prone to talk about it much for years afterwards.
The survivors of the current genocide are begging us to notice the deaths of the victims we are seeing all-but-live on camera. Cameras held by both them and IDF soldiers boasting about it, no less. Nazi Germany would have loved someone so prone to looking away as you.
From the headline, I was ready to read about shooting civilians and bombing waterworks, schools and fucking hospitals. What a yawnfest bull-shit pile of a story.
Only issue I had with the SteelSeries Arctis Nova 7, OS wise, was that I had to use their app in Windows to remove the legally-required volume limitting (Tow-boat I was on was constantly LOUD) … but in my book, its a plus it had that ability, and I only had to do it the once. Never touched their app again.
Hospital shares as much of the blame as Google, Discord or Reddit. Amazing how Nintendo is engaging in these shenanigans on the verge of a new console release, when they almost certainly could have fixed these issues with a low-effort hardware refresh years ago.
Because its their fault there are un-patchable vunerabilities in the Switch’s hardware, yessiree. 🙄
On-line surveys have always had this problem with bots and people with agendas. Its sad and comical they are pretending this is something new.
Where does this imply that I downvoted anything for the reasons you mentioned? There were maybe five or six comments prior to my own, and I downvoted all of them besides OPs(which I did upvote, tyvm - funny how that didn’t work out to you noticing).
Less spammy than “trying to set the record straight” by correcting them all, nevermind that, as I stated, I don’t have a better solution anyways, but again, yes, I also up-voted the one-or-two comments that had anything to do with OPs problem, both clarifications by OP themselves.
I’ve also up-voted other comments since, but there have been none talking about Ribbons and Tabs since, at least. Almost like what visibility my own comment got served its purpose.
Things don’t have to be positive to work. Sometimes Loud Garbage can slow the buildup of even-more-useless-if-well-meaning garbage. Well-intentioned, useless, basically-un-true-in-context things only pass one of Socrates criteria, btw.
Thus, that last line in my comment. My frustration in this case is just sooo much more to do with the issue than with comments.
Partially implimented system theme. Comments: oP MuSt wAnT It tO LoOk lIkE MiCrOsOfT!
The only one who so-far realized the theming is the problem suggested a quick fix that will likely leave this issue cropping up again in other applications.
Me: down-votes comments because I WANT there to be a better answer, not because I know one. Happy Monday, people!
Same here, including when I try to search for it by name. OTOH, when I open the link in a browser instead of the f-droid app, I get a good page on
Maybe we need to sync the repositories?
Sure, if that’s your level of thought and reading comprehension, let’s say you’ve got it. Is it really so hard to understand the notion that what works for you doesn’t work for me, but I’m okay with you doing whatever?
Keep practicing, kid.
That 800k number is the saddest I’ve felt since the morning of the 5th. Wtf?
Your life isn’t my life, and restoring backups is no less a hassle just for having them(personally, I backup files, and either fix what I break or do a clean install). Auto-complete also makes me lose my train of thought, but if its helpful to you, enjoy.
Reason’s I never use auto-complete in the terminal. Sadly, that’s sometimes not enough.
Pretty sure I understand less about the slang now that I’ve seen it in this format, but I still prefer it to other encounters I’ve had.