Yeah I think they could still charge anyone who was in on the plan with conspiracy to commit murder whether they pulled the trigger or not.
Edit: at minimum
Yeah I think they could still charge anyone who was in on the plan with conspiracy to commit murder whether they pulled the trigger or not.
Edit: at minimum
Definitely fall into this category. Commentary/ video essays about games are my go-to for background noise.
That’s a great point and a very poignant reason for why patient gaming is important.
I think I was personally focusing on the saving money part!
Great point. Completely agree this applies to any niche games or even any niche market as a whole.
My personal connection and the reason I posed this is me considering whether or not to pay full price for the fate/stay remaster as well as the tsukihime release.
That’s a great point and I never looked at it as a dichotomy.
However, bugs aren’t something I typically run into due to the nature of the simplicity of VNs. It’s more of a question of do I give max support to my favorite developers or spread the support around in hopes of finding new projects from different developers besides my favorite.
The way you laid it out though helps me ask the question of which of those two is more important to me.
Asking the real questions!
I’m having trouble finding the link this moment but I remember reading about a billionaire or ceo public figure who is addicted to this game saying that productivity around the world will crash once this game was released on mobile platforms.
Edit: not some billionaire ceo. It was this link I was remembering:
Not sure if that’s better or worse lmao
That would be bad I agree. I however think what they’ve said still allows for a physical Ultimate edition release with all dlc included without the usual additions of “Royal” or “Golden”.
If you are correct that there will be no complete physical version then my feelings are indeed muddled.
Yo! I totally had made that assumption being a longtime persona/smt player but I see now that you are correct they have said that.
I’m still going to wait a bit and see, just picked up SMT V Vengeance so I’m in no rush but this is wonderful news!!!
Also waiting for P3R FES or whatever they are going to call it.
You definitely get it. Pure satire.
You make good points. I was not completely clear in my post.
There are situations where what you say is true. (Were they setup that way intentionally though, for this very reason? Don’t think we will ever truly know.) There are certain multiplayer focused games that could be destroyed by client side affirming. I get that there are legitimate situations that makes this difficult for corps.
There are licensing issues as well but so many games face this and many offer “streamer friendly” options where the licensing of the music isn’t an issue.
Many of these live service/ server dependent games are completely completable single player and they could disable any licensed music/ multiplayer licensed components? Most of them are P2P anyway like Helldivers 2.
These are the ones I draw issue with.
Edit: to your point of multiple servers; why couldn’t we host the required servers privately if they so wished?
Why is this too much to ask? (I get the Capitalist why)
I feel like a lot of my grievances with live service games, outside of predatory mtx, is this inevitable endpoint of losing this game and all your achievements/ experiences/ progress.
This could also help solve a lot of Ross Scott’s (yt: accursed farms) lawsuits against live service games. In their case, The Crew
Let us host this ourselves if we wish. From a corporate perspective You can always lock the updated latest and greatest behind your currently supported game.
I know the reality is greed
Same reason I haven’t picked up Persona 3 Reload yet. Gotta wait for the complete version in 2026.
I would be spooning my dog who is on the other end of the couch. If this was a competition I’d submit my outcome for winner or at least most wholesome. Some of y’all’s are definitely more funny though.
Sounds like business as usual for Atlus
Oh absolutely!