Any time I’ve thought about switching from web dev, being an electrician always looked the most appealing. I second this option.
Any time I’ve thought about switching from web dev, being an electrician always looked the most appealing. I second this option.
Exist. The US education system failed me.
I am not “normal” I can’t read a chapter and pass a test. I need to be hands on. So the system gave me a C and moved me on to the next grade.
I was given the privilege to realize I can program, and by high school had already become pretty handy in C++. This is before high school.
I was a star in every tech class they had. Got Cs still of course cause i didn’t give a fuck, but it was very clear I was light-years ahead of even the teachers.
Not one teacher, staff or administrator asked me why I wasn’t going to college? Sat me down about my grades and got me aligned. No one gave 2 shits.
I got lucky. I got myself into the career without college. But man, those students who didn’t have the privileges I did, that just got dropped to the curb. Shame.
With the whole catalog of games from Activision/Blizzard soon coming for free to Game Pass?