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That’s good. If I remember correctly my old buddy’s corn snakes were smelly, but I’m not certain. He had a lot of neat reptiles.
Do they smell much?
Clearly Beacon is a more talented actress.
Huge difference in sugar content in La Croix or Spindrift or whatever other brand and sodas.
Why do you feel it was bad?
I’m not.
This is fantastic! I had no idea. Thank you very much.
Plenty of people and animals have been killed with .22lr .
Please don’t spread nonsense about it being a “nuisance.”
Very cool balcony view!
Hahaha aww. Poor boy.
Where did you get him?
Ah shucks. I refuse to shop there. I stand by my statement though. It looks nice on your cat!
Where did you get that from? It looks great!
Hahaha aww. Do you have to clean that often? I assumed hairless cats kept their privates clean as regular cats do.
Does he mind baths and do you have to lotion him with special lotion?
You can see it, especially on the end of his tail.
How often do you have to bathe them?
Every time.