Oh it can be done. The only question is: is Bethesda the one to do it?
Oh it can be done. The only question is: is Bethesda the one to do it?
“In summation, if people get to complain about how other phone sucks I get to complain about how people complain about other phone sucking is bothersome to me.”
You know, you’re actually absolutely right. Keep up the good work!
Ugh. Why can’t porn games get their own platform so I can look for a fucking game to play without having literal porn shoved in my face. What kinds of losers actually buy these “games”? Smh my head.
So do you whip out this copypasta anytime people try to have a fun discussion about something or?
ITT: lots of unpaid youtube premium shills.
If youtube wants me to pay for their service, they can offer a service worth paying for instead of purposefully degrading their free service into an unusable mess in an attempt to force my hand.
Commercials weren’t the only example I listed.
I consume as much media as anyone, a lot of gaming content, and I don’t recall seeing a single WoW ad in years, not on websites, youtube, or streaming, Maybe you see those ads because you play WoW or other mmos. I haven’t heard any streamers talking about it, no articles or memes outside of dedicated communities.
I’m not saying those things dont exist. I’m just saying, as a general consumer of gaming media, it really doesn’t come up nearly as often as it used to. It’s more niche now, less mainstream. Which, unfortunately, means the player base is less dynamic.
Just because people still log in to grind dailies and world quests doesn’t mean the game has the same presence in pop culture it used to. I remember seeing commercials with Ozzy for wotlk, people would talk about the game, you’d see references to it, there was a south park episode about it. It’s just not that relevant or popular anymore.
Valve asks reporter to play game, reporter reports on it.
shocked Pikachu face
Ugh. Can I just say how much I fucking HATE how every single fucking product on the market today is a cheap, broken, barely functional piece of shit.
I swear to God the number of times I have to FIX something BRAND NEW that I JUST PAID FOR is absolutely ridiculous.
I knew I should’ve been an engineer, how easy must it be to sit around and make shit that doesn’t work?
Fucking despicable. Do better or die, manufacturers.
My dude it’s a $125 indie game. Devs think they’re paradox or something.
Good job reading the post. /s
Maybe english is their second language. (Copium)
They are, but your spelling is embarrassing.
Thank you! It seems like every developer or TV producer is shoehorning awkward sex scenes and romance into every piece of media being produced. It’s like the people in charge don’t realize porn exists, and think their viewers desperately need to be able to jerk off to whatever media they’re consuming at any given time. It’s pathetic. A creator should be able to create something without it turning into porn.
Go outside.
What disagreement?? What are you trying so hard to disagree about?
Amazing game. Perfectly executed. This is an excellent detail and a testament to the care that went into this game.