A lot of the power users in this thread have clearly never heard of “sex sells”.
Also non-zero chance some of these guys might have an association with Mindgeek. Just a hunch, given how easy reddit like sites are to manipulate.
The Lazyest of Banes
A lot of the power users in this thread have clearly never heard of “sex sells”.
Also non-zero chance some of these guys might have an association with Mindgeek. Just a hunch, given how easy reddit like sites are to manipulate.
I was going mostly off how I’ve delt with addictive behavours in my life and how casualised therapists like Healthy Gamer explain how dopamine works.
It’s also worth noting that this user also posted about lacking motivation to even play video games at this point, which if they’re using masterbation as an easy dopamine crutch it could explain where there motivation to do anything else is going.
But yeah, I didn’t prepare academic level citations for my lemmy post I made during a lull at work.
Easy dopamine isn’t a good thing. Dopamine is finite but renewable, so if you run through all your dopamine on easy hits your going to end up having motivational issues.
And if your constantly chasing short term Dopamine hits your brain is going to adjust to seek behavours that give instant gratification over somthing that’s just as rewarding, more productive for your personal or professional life, but takes longer to get that dopamine.
By all means deal with your libido in anyway that doesn’t hurt the people around you, but maybe retiring the wankers cramp for a bit might do you good once in a while.
Shout out to the guy wading though TF2’s spaghetti code to achive this.
Oni is a game that often ends up as a small cliff note in the greater narrative of Bungie’s history, which is a shame since it’s actually a really good 3D action game that predates the standardisation that Devil May Cry established.
It’s pretty rough around the edges, and hearing about the development hell for this game I can understand why, but if you do end up playing the game you’ll find an incredibly engaging combat system that will keep you locked in well after the game ends.
Better yet, you can use cheats to play as any npc and some of them have fully functioning movesets.
The greatest tragedy is the lack of a multiplayer component. It was planned, and advertised, but Bungie West couldn’t get the networking down before Take Two’s deadline. If there was multiplayer you could be there would be people still playing it today.
However, there is a active modding scene for the game, and with the Anaversery Edition you can easily play Oni on any PC or Linux machine (use wine 2.0, later versions have compatability issues).
It might permanently be over shadowed by Halo CE, but if you like 3D action frames or are a fan if Bungie you owe it a playthough.
Autism/neurodivergentcy requires a kind of radical open-mindedness to adapt to society, and I’d imagine that that lends itself towards being more open to alternative platforms.
This is the most obvious “blackmailing bi-curious men” scheme I’ve ever read. Just say it Omeggle with consenting adults.