No. If murdering cops can get away with it, so should someone who killed a guy who has indirectly killed millions through the racket that is health insurance.
The European retards say things like this as though they themselves haven’t swung far right lately. Pot meet kettle.
This is just typical America bad copium by the Europoors and internalized hate by American Euroboos.
Someone could publish them as dynamic kernel modules.
Or something you would have to memorize for a biology class.
No, that’s a meow.
You can always release your software under the GPL and charge a licensing fee for an alternative proprietary license. Even the FSF and Richard Stallman are okay with that and it can absolutely be a viable and ethical business model.
Nope. That was the whole point of having force ghosts as a plot point. Anakin fell to the dark side to try and save Padme and live his ideal life but the tools he needed to save her and cheat death were only possible through the light side all along.
Palpatine or more correctly, Darth Sidious, lied. The dark side itself has no means of living forever in the force or healing someone using the force. Those are fundamentally light side abilities which is why they perpetually eluded the Sith. It’s the reason why Sidious had to turn to bioengineering to find a way to make clones that retained his M counts and which he could transfer his consciousness into via the dark side.
I get the feeling that a lot of viewers miss the irony of that whole thing. If Anakin had been wiser or his teachers more empathetic and less dogmatic he would never have fell to the dark side and would not have been susceptible to Darth Sidious’s manipulation.
They get paid on commission which is why they always put their stickers on anything you buy so the store knows who sold it to you.
Me with Microcenter employees.
A World War is a war between two or more world powers.
No. They would be morons and vote against socialism even if it’s good for them.
It’s not like he was a hit with the ladies. He just raped whoever he wanted to.
That one dildo vape.
Not at all with RPMFusion.
Hannah Montana Linux
I strongly disagree.
No. I don’t talk to strangers without a reason.