gives me Goosebumps just thinking about it
gives me Goosebumps just thinking about it
that’s a whole lot of toothpicks
be the repost you wish to see in this world
I want to like hot showers, but it dries out my skin so badly, and it makes me feel like a pierogi that’s been left out too long; without any butter or sour cream
I’ve seen this reposted a lot, and yet I still always see it as thicc batman. the optical illusion is forever stuck in my brain
gotta nuke somethin’
¯\ _ (ツ) _ /¯
nobody prayed hard enough, so it got altered even more
“I’ll have the chicken”
“and how would you like that cooked?”
“aight I’m-a head out”
dads everywhere agree: click those tongs and slap those bags
lol nice
I just assumed it said “it belongs in a museum”
you mean the people that were cheering on the glorious tanks during the Tiananmen square parade
don’t forget to add some stanky interest on that principal
still using Jerboa since I joined up, and I’m so used to it now that other apps just feel off. I was a rif user in the before-times, and jerboa has the same kind of stripped-down vibe I’m comfortable with
makanoff with the goods
offshore drilling could be jammed in the background, too
from the people who brought us illusory double walls of the Great Hollow and Ash Lake, go figure