For example: https://phtn.app/post/lemmy.ml/26299109
There are a couple of other posts, you’ll find them quickly if you search for Pewdiepie.
For example: https://phtn.app/post/lemmy.ml/26299109
There are a couple of other posts, you’ll find them quickly if you search for Pewdiepie.
LineageOS has instructions for Windows/Mac/Linux: https://wiki.lineageos.org/adb_fastboot_guide
KeepassXC is great, but I realised very late in the process of setting it up, that the browser extension does not support Flatpak based browsers: “Please note that in general Flatpak and Snap based browsers are not supported, Ubuntu’s Firefox Snap being an exception.” (https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc-browser/wiki/Troubleshooting-guide)
I hope this might change at some point.
Have a great time! Please let us, who have to stay at home, know how it went.
Their easy installer is why many people I know installed it, but it only supports 21 devices and mine wasn’t one of them, so I can’t say much about usability or security. If yours is one of them, there’s also a Linux guide on their website: https://doc.e.foundation/easy-installer
You have to read further. To quote some of it:
“You use steam-installer from Ubuntu repos. There is also the official .deb installer from Valve Their differences: a) Valve’s Steam & steam dependencies get updates. Ubuntu package does not. For now in Mint 22 this is not a problem. Both packages are in the same version or they were the last time I checked but this was quite recently. b) Ubuntu package still uses an obsolete folder layout in your “home” that official Steam doesn’t follow any longer. It was creating some problems.”
This is an older thread but as I said, it was just an example. There’s tons more on that forum.
In Mint most people recommend installing Steam directly from the website as .deb. There are dozens of informative threads on the official forums, which also explain some differences of the installation method, for example: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=427582
Sehr spannend! Mir hat die erste Odyssee von ihm so gut gefallen, dass ich mir jetzt die restlichen drei besorgt habe: 2010, 2061 und 3001. Wird ein bisschen dauern, bis ich berichten kann :).
How come I’ve never heard of Roboquest, that looks fun too!
Thank you for the elaborate response, I appreciate it. It sounds like I would enjoy the game.
Oh my Gaige, I haven’t thought of that for a while… “and I reloaded early… again.” Still played her a lot!
Thanks for this post, I wanted to try this game but then heard, that there’s not much map variety, but you don’t seem to feel that way.
How is the co-op? Is it easy to find games with others and is it fun?
And what would you say about the DLCs?
Sehr fein! Ich kannte bisher nur 2001 und 2010 als Filme, bin schon gespannt!
Oh interessant, wenn du wirklich beginnst, wäre ich gespannt auf deine Meinung.
Ich musste zu einem langen Wartetermin ohne Smartphone und fischte mehr zufällig ein Buch aus dem Bücherregal: eine uralt-Ausgabe von Arthur C. Clarkes “2001 - Odyssee im Weltraum” auf Deutsch. Ich kenne zwar den Film, hatte aber das Buch nie gelesen.
Was für eine positive Überraschung! Es ist wirklich gut geschrieben und obwohl ich noch nicht ganz durch bin, große Empfehlung für alle, die auch nur periphär dran interessiert sind. Meine Paperback Version hat kurze 204 Seiten.
Diablo 2 - I’ve played all classes, some in higher difficulties, again and again and it didn’t get old for a very long time. Today I’m not enjoying these kind of games anymore but I’m not sure why. Are they so different or has my taste changed so much?
I’d suggest OpenSUSE Tumbleweed and one of the UBlue images - maybe Bazzite, since you mentioned gaming. But Steam and GOG run on all of those.
And how is that relevant in a post about “Linux Mint and Steam”?
And here’s KDE’s: https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved/design