Really cool, congrats! :)
Really cool, congrats! :)
Me too.
But, I know I alway have people to play with, I just have to play Call of Duty.
Hard agree on the Zelda example.
Survival elements without base building?
Combat that feels closer to Dark Souls than Zelda? Odd.
I’ll add in a genre rather than a game: Battle Royal games.
We used to play a variety of games. Halo, warcraft, Smite, League of Legends… Now I have no gaming friends left as they refuse to play anything other than Apex Legends or the latest greatest Call of Duty.
I always ask two questions to guide me.
Could this help me?
Could this hurt me?
In your scenario it’s no, yes, which means I wouldn’t say anything.
Honestly, yes.
Wow! I had completely forgotten about Hatebeak.
emergency spoon
Go on…
I agree with you.
Awesome! Glad you found it, good luck!
Stand in front of the guy in front of the teleporter.
Go left instead, and theres an npc next to a machine that looks like the ship salvage machine. This one is for multi tools.
In the Space Anomoly. :)
Which rogue-likes?