I’m honestly somewhat offended at the mere suggestion that this could be acceptable.
I’m honestly somewhat offended at the mere suggestion that this could be acceptable.
Fuck Nintendo. Keep working, preserve gaming history!
FireDragon because it’s the version of Firefox that Garuda ships with and I never saw a reason to change from it.
If you’re not already aware, almost that exact warning message exists on steam now.
Fair, though I wasn’t thinking of machining in this case. But yeah, my experience isn’t generally related to food safe stuff, so I don’t always think about it. Not too much concern about that on subs, helicopters, jets, etc.
carbon fiber reenforced
Great for strength, bad for impact resistance. You’d want a non-filled material or at least less stiff filler. Something like aramid (kevlar) would give you good properties across the board for an application like this though.
Yeah, USB3 produces 2.4GHz interference. Somehow many years after this became an understood issue, we still run into a bunch of USB3 devices with improper or usually nonexistent shielding.
BARACUDA for level select in Sonic 3D Blast.
Alternatively, CALLACAB for Vector Man.
Luckily they have a procedure for enabling third party firmware, and the third party firmware (X1Plus) doesn’t have to include this crap.
Pretty sure that was already a thing years ago.
Honestly, I hate the CRT aesthetic. I grew up with CRTs. Leaving them behind for LCDs was one of the greatest transitions of growing up. By all means, enjoy them if you do, but I don’t.
Steam Deck LCD models are on a significant sale right now. Just sayin’…
Need to know what material your build plate is made of to guess what wouldn’t stick to it.
Just a quick correction, this is Mark Warner, not Elizabeth Warren. Otherwise I agree with you though.
Read the Wikipedia article on Radon. That should do the trick.
It wasn’t a buyout, more of a threat.
While CHS is the likely culprit, it could also be an allergy that’s built up over time. Most people don’t realize it’s possible to be allergic to cannabis, but it is indeed. Source: I’m allergic to cannabis.
If so, look into desensitization methods. Not sure if they work with an acquired allergy or not though.
You clearly don’t understand how it works. My sibling lives in another city, but we’re in the same steam family and have had no issues.
There’s no mechanism by which that could work.
Seems more like a feature considering how ESP32s are used.