I see everyone talk about his politics but what do you expect the man to do. Not stand up for his ideological support for FOSS technology and not talk about radical new technology such as the 3D printing of guns?
I see everyone talk about his politics but what do you expect the man to do. Not stand up for his ideological support for FOSS technology and not talk about radical new technology such as the 3D printing of guns?
Isn’t that a rail problem instead of a usage problem? I’ve heard of rail incidents happening all of the time, along with the occasional strike of course.
Maybe it’s because i don’t live in Amsterdam.
Seem’s fair. I just think the fact that the non rush hour traffic is so low is making the Netherlands be lower on the list. I wasn’t exaggerating when I said that I saw fuller trains going to literal mountains.
I travel by train sometimes yet i’ve never seen a train remotely full here in my life. I’ve seen fuller trains going to the alpes than than those going to Amsterdam. This may be different during rush hours but outside of the rush hours trains are quite empty.
Seem’s awesome, sadly not open source but it has an appeal.
As a past spore player i really wished something like this existed earlier.
Unciv is pretty cool and portable.
It feel’s like being a genuine human being is enough to throw people off nowadays. It’s not like he’s a grifter, he has given critique on right wing social media, the “freedomphone” and republican legislation regarding tech.