My guy. Crab is really common in east asian cuisine. The wording wasn’t great but that happens.
My guy. Crab is really common in east asian cuisine. The wording wasn’t great but that happens.
Ne, ich sage keine neue Technologie, wenn die das Ende der Welt wie wir sie kennen bedeutet. Und ‘wir machen uns verwundbar’ ist ein Gedanke der direkt in die Waffenspirale führt.
Die Entwicklung der US Amerikanischen Wirtschaft ist auf lange Sicht nicht tragbar und hilft auf kurze sicht nur den top 5% der Gesellschaft. Wer nach so einer Entwicklung strebt hofft entweder selbst die Mengen auszubäuten oder glaubt immer noch an Reagans Theorien und ignoriert dabei komplett Umwelt und Klima.
So did I. What’s wrong. And I don’t know why I wrote like that. There is noone I would ever talk to this way.
The comment was clearly not about how bad of a person McGregor is.
Bro chill they did one collab and hitman 1 came out in 2016. I feel like you didn’t play hitman
“ja in der Natur ist das ja auch so, oder willst du dem Löwen jetzt verbieten das Zebra zu essen?!?!?”
Ich kann jemanden ja auch mögen obwohl ich für seinen Mord verantwortlich bin ist ein interessanter take. Kein guter aber zumindest ein interessanter
If a battle can not be won do not fight it.
If you police it it’s not a cultural thing. If it was just a cultural thing than we could just let the * slowly die out. But banning language hinders progress. And I’m sorry, but the German language is constantly shifting and changing. There have even been multiple planned changes that went pretty well in recent history. Using English words might have been a big change back then, but now it’s really common. The first terms for mobile were things like “Taschentelefon” (pocket telephone), “drahtloses Telephone” (wireles telephone) or the one that is still in use “Mobiltelefon” (mobile phone). None of these seem outlandish to me.
I 100% agree that it’s not perfect. Still, banning an attempt at being inclusive is clearly not about how impractical it can be. And even if it were, policing language is stupid 9 times out of 10.
I used to think that believes really don’t matter as long as the person doesn’t act on it, but almost all believes shape who we are. It starts with little comments and evolves into actions. It doesn’t have to be that way if people acknowledge harmful ideas, but if you let someone believe that women are worthless or that their race makes them superior for long enough they will become a bad person.
Ohhh so a landlord. Checks out.
I don’t think I will metabolize anything after eating tons of co2. Just put me in a big glass jar and let me celebrate my victory until I’m inevitably taken down.
I want to eat them. Capture all the pollution in the blocks and I’ll eat them. Call me jesus or whatever but really I’m just doing it to prove a point
There is CDU and CSU. Together they form the Union. CSU is only active in Bavaria, but they are even more conservative than the CDU. Both would cooperate with the far right tho so we can sink most of Germany
You forgot mentioning the chokers and thigh highs you have bought since then.
I don’t think that everyone will stop working just because they can. Even if everything even non essential goods would be provided for everyone, we would still produce luxury good, arts and services. So it would in the best case evolve into something like market socialism where everyone profits of of the chance to never have to work again. In the worst case we would be stuck with a system where few hold these unlimited resources and make people work by holding back essential goods despite being abled to provide for everyone. In both situations I think money would probably still play a role.
Anmerkung an den Autor: Du solltest bei Bild anfangen.
Dude really goes to a cyber security community and hits them with the ‘i have nothing to hide’