Why should it be? A faulty software update from a 3rd party crashes the operating system. The exact same thing could happen to Linux hosts as well with how much access those IPSec programms usually get.
Why should it be? A faulty software update from a 3rd party crashes the operating system. The exact same thing could happen to Linux hosts as well with how much access those IPSec programms usually get.
Nur weil man privat mit Windows defender und einer basic Firewall auskommt, heißt das noch lange nicht, dass große Firmen das auch tun. Noch dazu hat Linux im Bereich Cybersecurity quasi keinen Unterschied zu Windows. Privat kann man sich den Antivirus sparen weil:
Als größere Firma (vor allem Banken und kritische Infrastruktur) muss man permanent mit Angriffen von außen und innen rechnen. Ne einfache Firewall hilft dir da nicht mal gegen nen basic DDoS Angriff.
Klar kann man viel abdecken durch einfache Mittel wie gut gemanagte Zugriffrechte und das Sperren von USB ports, aber das schützt halt hauptsächlich vor der Dummheit/Unwissenheit der eigenen Mitarbeiter.
Das soll auch nicht heißen, dass alles in so einem Software Packet relevant ist, da ist sicherlich auch viel unnützer Müll dabei. Aber ganz ohne IPSec Tools kommt man nicht weit.
That has nothing to do with age. Most people nowadays are so used to instant gratification that they struggle with stuff that only helps them in the long term, me included. Last time I tried to seriously sit down and learn I caught myself doing dishes and watering plants after not even 30mins.
Let’s be honest, opt in telemetry features will collect so little data they might es well not exist.
Considering that ot is supposed to reduce user tracking by tracking ads directly, it’s a net gain for everyone.
Or have a public social media account and a ‘business’ one I use to share my own music or something? My dual-boxing MMO accounts?
Wanna bet that you are already breaking TOS with both of these things? And I don’t mean SimpleLogins TOS, but the one of the social media platform and MMO. Most big platforms only allow one account per user, no matter how the account is used. Sometimes you can create a business account, but that’s still linked to your private one. Same goes for pretty much any online game, you are limited to one account per person.
I don’t think that there is any sense behind these limitations, but simplelogin isn’t concerned about that, they only care about the legality of your actions and limit their service accordingly.
Technically yes, but the Google and Googlegetmanager scripts are used in so many cases that you want to keep them active permanently.
Considering that most VPN adresses are linked to suspicious, if not outright illegal, activity, its quite reasonable to assume that they end up on automatic block lists.
Nuclear is the worst possible option to fill said gaps. Nuclear reactor need to run at a mostly stable output permanently, they are slow to react to changes and can’t be switched on or off at will.
You could use them to generate a stable base power level, but that’s the opposite of what we need. It wouldn’t change anything regarding the need of energy storage.
The best option currently as a gap filler is gas cause it can be turned on or off in minutes when needed.
Not keeping up with demand is a self-made problem. Multiple EU countries already have multiple days a year where they use 100% renewables.
Steam requires others to keep the game downloadable if its in your library, but they can’t do anything if ubisoft decides to shut the servers down. You keep your license but it’s useless.
Proton pretty much always complies with government access requests, and they never claimed otherwise. They, however, don’t have access to the content of your emails due to their encryption, meaning the data they give to governments is restricted to what you give them. They can at most give out your name, payment information, and backup mail if you voluntarily gave that info to them.
Latency is a non issue if you make the service even remotely decentralised. One server per EU country is enough to push the latency below 50ms, which is more than playable, even for shooters and MOBAs.
It was a bit of a hyperbole, I have no idea about the exact amount.
Let’s say you charge your 2000mAh battery every day and your PSU is 10% more efficient than your charger (the difference is most likely not even this big).
2Ah × 5V x 356d= 3.56kwh
3.56kwh × 0.1 = 356Wh
356Wh would be the difference per year, that’s about 12ct per year.
Now estimating the power usage for fediverse messages is very hard to do since it depends on a lot of different factors (your device, cellular or WiFi data, amount of hops needed to reach you, general state of your nearby network, your instances infrastructure).
The only even remotely similar thing I could find was emails with pictures producing about 20-40g CO2, which only slightly increases with more recipients, and Reddit usage comes at about 2.5g per minute. Comparing these two numbers just shows that all estimates done are pretty much useless for us since we have no idea how they are done.
But if we go with a low estimate of 0.1g (slightly above SMS and somewhere around spammail level) per user seeing it and a few hundred to a thousand users seeing this even if they just scroll past, we reach the CO2 equivalent of 1kWh pretty fast without even talking about long term storage and future indexing. Not to mention that comments produce something too since they need to be federated, albeit not so much as the post itself.
So while 10 years was a bit much, 2-3 years would be very much in the realm of possibilities, but no one knows or can even properly estimate the actual numbers.
Not to discourage such thoughts in the future, but your single post asking here probably used up more electricity than what you would save over the course of the next ten years.
Vermutlich mit Union eingerechnet. Mmn (noch) eine Falschaussage, aber ich versteh warum man so denken könnte. Immerhin haben sich CDU/CSU immer weiter an die AFD angenähert während ihrer Zeit in der Opposition. Deren Politik besteht momentan auch nur aus Wiederspruch, Populismus und Hetze, genauso wie die AFD bevor sie sich weiter radikalisiert hat.
Nur weil neue Projekte als Open Source ausgeschrieben werden sollen (unabhängig davon ob es wirklich passiert), kann man nicht mal so eben die komplette IT Landschaft umbauen. Selbst in mittelgroßen Unternehmen läuft so ein Projekt über Jahre ab und da gibt es keine Ministerien die dann widersprechen wollen.
Vanadium is purposefully made this way. It tries to minimise profiling by making your actions noise in a big mass of users. That only works if you use the standard config without anything to discern you.
Mull is the other extreme of this. They try to eliminate fingerprinting by reducing the amount of trackable things in your browser.
It’s hard to say what really is the better option. You can’t completely eliminate fingerprinting, and the more you try, the more you will stick out of the masses.
There is nothing that Valve could change about this with the current way games are licensed.
All your Steam account is is a collection of lifetime leasing contracts between you and the seller. Steam already forces third parties to give you liftime access even if the game is pulled from the store page, but that contract gets voided once one of the two parties ceases to exist, be it the buyer or the studio that sells the game.
Legally binding the games to your account instead of you also isn’t possible since in most countries you either have to be a real person or a registered entity to form contracts.
Proton upheld their claim of privacy, no Emails were disclosed. But they never promised anonymity cause that’s something they simply can’t do under the Swiss law. If you willingly give them your other mail addresses or contact details, they have to comply. Sure they could have denied the Spanish authorities, but it takes less than a week to get a court order for things like this.
Würde ich so nicht sagen. Meine Muttersprache und einzige Sprache die ich nutze ist Deutsch, trotzdem wechselt mein innerer Monolog zwischen Deutsch und Englisch hin und her. Englisch gesprochen hab ich eigentlich nur in der Schule, im englischen Ausland war ich noch nie.
Weiß jetzt nicht wies mit der körperlichen Fitness wirklich aussieht, aber für die geistige Fitness ists definitiv besser als nur daheim zu hocken. Wenn man natürlich anderweitig beschäftigt ist (Gemeinde, Familie, Vereine), hat das den gleichen Effekt. Ich seh halt bei uns die (Früh-)Rentner teilweise daheim langsam psychisch vergammeln.