Image is broken?
Image is broken?
I haven’t even played it, and I know it should be Balatro. That game has taken the gaming world by STORM.
Makes you really appreciate how valuable plants and photosynthesis are, to our ecosystem.
Honorable mention fir Outer Wilds, cause taking notes and keeping track of things you learn is critical to the gameplay, but the game actually provides an excellent UI already it already.
Also, Elden Ring and other FromSoft games are a contender, cause when you meet a random NPC that says like 3 lines of dialog and doesn’t repeat them, you’re gonna have trouble remembering any of that 20 hours later when yoy meet them again.
Love detailed shit like this.
I can’t think of any time I’ve felt lile being left-handed is an advantage.
A little off-topic: anyone else read this as “BCA Chefs”, initially?
If only it were that easy to snap your fingers and magically transform your code base from C to Rust. Spoiler alert: It’s not.
How utterly disingenuous. That’s not what the CISA recommendation says, at all.
It actually took me multiple trues to get into Stardew. The whole “track down everyone” quest is intimidating for a lot of people.
Up to you if you think it’s worth keeping at it, for the possibility of getting hooked later.
This really reads to me like the perspective of a business major whose only concept of productivity is about what looks good on paper. He seems to think it’s a desirable goal for EVERY project to be completed with 0 latency. That’s absurd. If every single incoming requirement is a “top priority, this needs to go out as soon as possible” that’s a management failure. They either need to ACTUALLY prioritize requirements properly, or they need to bring in more people.
For the Chuck and Patty example, he describes Chuck finishing a task and sending it to Patty for review, and Patty not picking it up because she’s “busy.” Busy with what? If this task is the higher priority, why is she not switching to it as soon as it’s ready? Do either Chuck or Patty not know that this task is the current highest priority? Sounds like management failure. Is there not a system in place (whether automatic or not) for notifying people when high priority tasks are assigned? Also sounds like management failure. Is Patty just incapable of switching tasks within 30-60 minutes? She needs to work on her organization skills, or that management isn’t providing sufficient tooling for multitasking.
When a top-priority “this needs to go out ASAP” task is in play on my team, I’m either working on it, or I know it’s coming my way soon, and who it’s coming from, because my Project Lead has already coordinated that among all of us. Because that’s her job.
From the article…
Project A should take around 2 weeks
Project B should take around 2 weeks
That’s 4 weeks to complete them both
But only if they’re done in sequence!
If you try to do them at the same time, with the same team, don’t be surprised if it ends up taking 6 weeks!
Nonsense. If these are both top priorities, and the team has proper leadership, (and the 2 week estimate is actually accurate) 4 weeks is entirely achievable. If these are not top priorities, and the team has other work as well, then yeah, no shit it might be 6 weeks. You can’t just ignore the 2 weeks from Project C if it’s prioritized similarly to A and B. If A and B NEED to go out in 4 weeks, then prioritize them higher, and coordinate your team to make that happen.
A quality apology consists of 3 things:
Your proposed apology has all those elements, so you’re already ahead of most folks. But there are a few suggestions for improvement in this thread that I think are also good.
“if you felt so, I apologize”: I don’t read this as you apologizing for how the other person feels, since you clarified that earlier. But I think it’s fair that others might read it that way, so you’re better off eliminating the ambiguity. You’re apologizing for what you did, without considering that others might (validly) consider it inappropriate.
“I’ll try to control myself around you”: similar deal, it should be clear that this is about you, not them. And when it comes to swearing in a workplace, it’s pretty-darn common to consider it inappropriate and unprofessional, no matter who you’re around. Maybe part of your apology needs to focus on how the behavior is unprofessional, and you simply needed help recognizing that, as you’re (possibly?) new to the professional working world.
You’ve never met an average ASP.NET developer?
I suspect this is because of the looming end of Windows 10. There’s a large segment of Windows users, myself included, with Visual Studio being the only remaining tie to the Windows ecosystem. Extremely smart move by JetBrains, if true.
So, the scheme is basically to have you, the publisher, invest some money into marketing the game, to get potential players aware of it, then have them pay a one-time premium to actually play it, if they’re interested.
I mean, I don’t even particularly think it looks bad, not with the riser sections actually being enclosed, but how on earth do you get that to connect?
Please tell me those splitters are just cosmetic and don’t actually work with lifts clipped that far in…
First game I ever played where I was like “yo, I actively WANT to do the speedrun achievement, and the deathless achievement.” So, first game where I ever did those things. Maybe I’m just crazy, but I found them way easier than I expected.
Also, a prime example of storytelling through music.
I appreciate the “carrot with a bit out of it” icon.
If you’re interested in detail, I can recommend this book:
A very large portion (maybe not quite a majority) of software developers are not very good at their jobs. Just good enough to get by.
And that is entirely okay! Applies to most jobs, honestly. But there is really NO appropriate way to express that to a coworker.
I’ve seen way too much “just keep trying random things without really knowing what you’re doing, and hope you eventually stumble into something that works” attitude from coworkers.