Thank you so much 🤙
Got sick of Reddit. Unchained and found myself here. Looking forward to reading a lot. ☕👽
Thank you so much 🤙
Aye, I didn’t mean to sound cross on my response to your post. Thanks for clarifying and I apologize for being, at the very least, short with the response I gave you. I appreciate it and yes, I’m definitely stabilized with housing now. 🤟
I’m not addicted to anything nor was I.
Seeing my first overdose and subsequent passing. I was 3 days into being homeless. It sadly got easier seeing it happen more and more often. At the time I knew it wasn’t something good, obviously, but I didn’t really react until much later. Out of all the horrible times I’ve ever gone through… that image of what a human body does as it’s dying… @#£&. It’s not good.
Good for you.
The guy is a cancer. How anyone could actually listen and nod along is beyond me.
Yes, I was shadow banned. Zero communication from the standard ways of reporting it. Good riddance. The place is a cesspool.
I’m new on Straterra. Just 40 mg daily so far. It seems like exactly what I need. I used to take Vyvanse, then Dexedrine, but things went off the rails… aka I couldn’t control the intake properly. I abused them for a lengthy period of time.
This stuff has zero recreational value. I’m grateful. Hopefully it continues showing good results. 🤞
Chrono Trigger was fantastic. Look specifically for the instrumentals/orchestral on YouTube. 🤙
Agreed, it’s impossible to really know.
That’s right up my alley. Thank you for posting!
New user but it’s great seeing the responses here. I’m enjoying the feel of the app and will be supporting soon. Thx guys.
I’m on it daily. A ton of hours between watching videos and enjoying the music catalogue. It’s definitely the only reason I don’t mind paying premium. No complaints.