• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Iceblade@lemmy.worldtocats@lemmy.worldLittle asshole
    3 days ago

    Long enough for ecosystems to change, adapt and form as well as for animals to evolve based on their new environment. Considering that there are already rats & cockroaches adapting to pesticides, both birds & pests are most certainly adapting to cats to some degree after the passage of thousands of years.

    Obviously there may be a point in restricting cats in more insular habitats such as small islands, but for anybody on a major continent it is rather pointless. Furthermore, cats serve an important purpose in hunting pests that spread alongside humans, primarily rats and mice, both of which can have an even more disastrous effect on local ecosystems.


  • Iceblade@lemmy.worldtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.worldCommunism
    16 days ago

    It looks like a European welfare state, because instead of upending the system and ending up in an authoritarian nightmare, people are compromising with each other.

    Popular prosperity is a function of power being reliant on the approval of the masses, and thus will not be achieved in any meaningful way under an authoritarian regime.

    • Do not kill, or through intentional action cause physical harm to another human being, except in defence.

    • Every human has the right to their own body, thoughts and words, upon which nothing except the above law shall infringe.

    • Where it does not conflict with previous laws, respect physical property of the public and other individuals - it is not to be destroyed, taken or abused without permission of its holder(s).

  • The first migrations of jews had already occured at this time, mainly refugees from Russia fleeing pogroms against jews under the Tsarist regime.

    This had been enabled by the abolishment of the old Dhimmi system in the 1850s which had reigned for more than a millenium. The Dhimmi system marked Christians and Jews as “protected” second class citizens. Unlike most non-muslims, they were allowed to keep their faith (rather than be subjected to a choice between conversion or being killed), but were forced into ghettos, required to mark their clothes, levied extra taxes and forbidden from building or maintaining churches or synagogues.

    The abolishment of the system of Dhimmi discrimination combined with refugee migration and imports of antisemitic literature from Europe all contributed to rising tensions up until the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, particularly with harsh treatments of jews and deportations during WW1.

    The english encourage the Arab revolt with promises of independence with certain caveats. These are lost in translation and will be important later.

    The French and English make the Sykes-Pikot agreement, which will further complicate things.

    At this point (1917) the OETA takes control, the Balfour declaration is made in close conjunction.

    *Interesting side note. The 1912 Ottoman census puts the Arab population of the empire at 13 million, and the jewish at 400k, important to consider is that these people are not all in the Vilayet of Beirut (which modern day Israel/Palestine was part of at the time). The OETA performed a census of what amounts to modern day Lebanon, Israel/Palestine, Jordan and western Syria, finding 2365k muslims, 588k christians, 110k jews and 40k “others”.

    1920 becomes a mess. The Arab king (Faisal) refuses to sign the treaty of Versailles due to the previously mentioned caveats that were lost in translation. The GSC along with Faisal declares the kingdom of Syria, claiming large parts of modern day Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Israel/Palestine and the Franco-Syrian war breaks out.

    A few days prior to this image, Arab militias, hunting french soldiers end up in a clash with a jewish village where several people are killed. March 7th, the independence declaration is made, and this demonstration was on march 8th (similar ones were held in several other cities in the mandate).

    Roughly a month later, the first documented occurence of serious civil violence under British rule occurs, a riot where several people are killed and hundreds injured.

  • In addition to what @LwL said - It has to do with how testing is done, and that some diseases can’t really be tested for. It is quite expensive, and is generally done on small samples from lots of people mixed together. If it is positive they split the batch and test again (look up binary search).

    The lower the incidence rate of diseases, the larger batches can be done. Ditching certain denographics with significantly higher risks for certain diseases can make testing orders of magnitudes cheaper and faster. (Other groups, at least where I live, include people who recently changed partner, recently went abroad, have ever gotten a blood transfusion, have gone through a recent surgery, have recently been sick, etc. etc.)

  • Well for the most part if we want to have a less context-dependent measure, with some caveats

    The “left” vs “right” dichotomy is inherently context-dependent though. Objectively, it’s a terrible way to compare ideologies without context. Personally I find 8axis to be pretty decent instead. Unfortunately, the world on average is more authoritarian & conservative than the US, your scale may be an accurate representation of the lemmy overton window.

    What’s fucked is most people think of prominent historical figures…

    Because they think that the changes they achieved were good, and they see themselves as good, and they consider themselves american liberals.

    Either way there is no chance that democratic socialists are as extremist as national conservatives.

    In the global overton window? Yes way.

    What pushes democratic socialists a full point towards the fringe compared to social democrats?

    From wikipedia:

    Democratic socialism is a left-wing set of political philosophies that supports political democracy and some form of a socially owned economy, with a particular emphasis on economic democracy, workplace democracy, and workers’ self-management within a market socialist, decentralised planned, or democratic centrally planned socialist economy.

    Unlike social democrats, democratic socialists want to do away with private ownership and market economies. For the record, the US democratic party are not social democrats.

    I’ll finish off with my take on the infamous “what’s a liberal?”. In hindsight it was probably a poor choice of words as there is no such thing as a “pure” liberal. The basic liberal value is freedom. To me, that includes freedoms of thought, speech, press (i.e writing, possibly also digital), organization, bodily autonomy and lastly ownership. Everything else is a product of how to interpret those freedoms and how to implement them.

    “Pure liberals” would most of all strive to uphold these individual freedoms, though their solutions when different peoples rights clash may be different. A “pure” liberal strives for a balance maximizing freedoms of individuals whilst simultaneously minimizing infringements from both government and private actors. To me, neither ancaps nor libertarians are liberal. Libertarians prioritize small government to the point where it is incapable of protecting individual rights from abuse by third parties whilst ancaps prioritize property rights over individual freedoms.

    Soclibs and libcons both limit freedoms somewhat in favour of other values.

  • As an outsider, the Dem party is in a funky spot politically. Whilst it economically is to the right, many of its social policies it endorses are leftist. Their emphasis on equality of outcome rather than equality of opportunity is a large part of that, regulation of expressions and policy of migration.

    Where I live, most of our political parties are left of the dems economically (basic welfare is not even a debate), but many would clearly be right of them (though usually not even close to the republicans) in social policy.