Not seen this before, looks like Audacious on steroids. A bit like Photoshop vs MS Paint.
Not seen this before, looks like Audacious on steroids. A bit like Photoshop vs MS Paint.
At this point he’s just pushing potential users away. I wonder if he’s given up on it and is just holding on to it until the election is completed.
Maybe you could hang around downtown with a sign around your neck advertising “Free Hugs”.
I think the trade is, you take on the purchase of the house, and the landlord takes on all the downside risk.
While you’re correct that laws are created by the legislature the judiciary is where they are judged to be just. At least in systems based on English common law. Look up jury nullification for more info. Also, prosecutorial discretion is a thing. Basically if any law isn’t enforced either through jury nullification and/or prosecutorial discretion then it is vestigial and should be amended or repealed.
Sweet! Although I do wish they could expand the access, at least give read-write access even if it is only for that session.
While it’s a bit off topic regarding the question, if you want a quick glimpse of what’s out there, try
I don’t tend to rely as much on Valve’s compatibility rating as I do ProtonDB’s. Even though it takes extra steps.
Probably the safest, most cost effective approach is to use WSL.
… And? A lot of socialists are also libertarian in equal measure.
Was it an LTS release? 2016 is a long way to go without a major update for Ubuntu.
Maybe I’m just spoilt as I have a rolling distro.
Hades. Was grinding on that sucker for weeks. Finally got to the start of the final battle the last of my life. Got scared haven’t picked it up for fear of going down, way down. I’m not very good at this game. I keep hearing people completing a full run within 30 tries. For me, it’s like 30,000. I know this run was just a lucky fluke as the runs before it I kept dying on the threshold to the exit if Tartarus.
I was shocked about the amount of content when I browsed BBC’s Iplayer service. They even have films. If you want to save some well known movies and are in the UK, you could exhaust their selection before even having to put your hand in your pocket to splash out on extra privatised content.