A feature can be turned off. Phone numbers are mandatory for a signal account
A feature can be turned off. Phone numbers are mandatory for a signal account
Of course there are alternatives. That’s the cherry on top of this crap pile: only regular non tech folks are affected. Nerds and actual criminals will just run an xmpp or simplex server and not care about the legislation.
Sand Land. The style is great. Story is pretty cool and well delivered. Gameplay is meh. Feels like a watered down Mad Max.
Sounds like you’re over saturated and need a break from gaming. Happens to a lot of us.Try not gaming at all for like 2-3 months. It’ll feel fresher afterwards
Ich sag dazu Stimmungskanone mit einem offensichtlichem sarkastischen Unterton. Nicht ganz was du wolltest, aber das ist das einzige was mir spontan dazu einfällt
I think the nobara updater works with yum. You should be able to access to the yum update history and find out what audio related packages got installed in the update and downgrade those. Anything with pipewire or alsa in the package name for example
Kernel 6.11 has been super buggy for me. About 3 weeks ago Nobara rolled out that kernel if I’m not mistaken. Do you still have a 6.10 grub option to try out? Since the live usb works that could be the issue.
If all your boot entries are 6.11, boot into the oldest and downgrade that
Simplex is pretty nice, but to me XMPP already does all that you described, and metadata isn’t that important to me. Plus XMPP has better clients for mobile and desktop
How do you dl them? yt-dlp is asking to pass credentials as well.
I find this site useful to compare messengers. I would trust Wire a tad more because it’s hosted in a country with stronger GDPR regulation, vs Signal being hosted in the US.
For my needs, XMPP with Omemo has been unbeatable for a long time
I have for some time thought of categorizing my library with some sort of factor where I calculate quality per time spent, which I would base on dividing the steam score by the completion time. So short and good games would be on top of the queue, before long and good or short and middling, with long and middling at the bottom
The level of comfort, or rather lack thereof, you’re fine with dictates how you’ll use your devices. Privacy is mandatory to me, so every app that refuses to work with my setup gets the boot. Banking is done in the browser with a separate PIN device. The moment the device gets discontinued I’ll go back to paper or phone like an old person. FOSS apps are FOSS and will break because they don’t have millions of ad money to fund development. I know that and learned to accept that fixing setups is part of my digital life. That’s just one end of the spectrum though. Everyone needs to find their balance with privacy to avoid getting fed up by it.
You could use ProjectLibre although it might be overkill
Was mich aber extrem stört ist, dass religiöse Ansichten immer wieder als Argument oder Rechtfertigung in weltlichen Diskussionen angeführt werden.
Das lässt sich natürlich nicht von der Hand weisen. Ich bin allerdings felsenfest davon überzeugt, dass es nur ein symptom ist. Nimm der Menscheit die Religion, die Politik und den Fussball weg, und dann werden die Leute sich darüber streiten, dass diejenigen, die gelbe shirts tragen besser sind als die, die rot tragen. Menschen bekriegen sich einfach viel zu gerne und nehmen sich dazu die Werkzeuge, die gerade da sind.
Ich find deinen letzten paragraph toll. Der zweite ist aber schwierig. Du implizierst nicht nur, das religiöse Leute ungebildet bzw. unaufgeklärt sind, sondern sogar, dass es ein Ziel sein sollte Religion ganz allgemein abzuschaffen. Das ist eine ziemlich stereotypische und intolerante Ansicht die du hier versucht als objektive Wahrheit zu verkaufen.
How would BangleJs be worse in terms of privacy? You can run both with gadgetbridge, so no cloud data necessary.
What’s your field of work? I work in IT and really try to find some day to day use cases where AI might help and I just don’t seem to find any. The odd presentation or maybe a sprint review protocol, but nothing recurring or anything that feels game changing.
For years that game was Warframe for me. Just turn of my brain and run missions I know inside and out while watching twitch from the corner of eye on a second monitor. At some point I wanted to have more time to play other games so I stopped and didn’t find a new cozy game